700-760: Cisco Security Architecture for Account Managers (ASAEAM)

700-760: Cisco Security Architecture for Account Managers (ASAEAM)

The Advanced Security Architecture Express for Account Managers (ASAEAM 700-760) is a 90-minute exam for the required knowledge across the Cisco Security portfolio for a registered partner organization to obtain the Security specialization in the AM role.

700-760: Cisco Security Architecture for Account Managers (ASAEAM)

Cisco 700-760 Exam Overview:

Exam NameCisco Security Architecture for Account Managers
Exam Number 700-760 ASAEAM
Exam Number $80 USD
Duration 90 minutes
Number of Questions 55-65
Passing Score Variable (750-850 / 1000 Approx.)
Recommended Training Cisco SalesConnect
Sample Questions Cisco 700-760 Sample Questions
Practice Exam Cisco Security Architecture Practice Test

Cisco 700-760 Exam Topics:

Section Weight Objectives
Threat Landscape and Security Issues 20% - Identify the role of digitization in cyber security
- Identify cyber security challenges
- Identify causes of fragmented security
- Identify security opportunities and obstacles
Selling Cisco Security 15% 

- Identify how Cisco supports practice development
- Identify areas of the Cisco security portfolio
- Identify Cisco programs for partner support
- Identify Cisco programs for partner profitability

Customer Conversations 15%

- Identify Cisco portfolio components
- Identify Cisco security solutions
- Identify customer security challenges
- Identify components of Cisco’s best-in-class technology

IoT Security 15% - Identify IoT solutions critical to business
- Identify the evolution of and need for IoT security
- Identify how Cisco IoT Security solutions provide layered protection
- Identify components of Cisco’s IoT security
Cisco Zero Trust 15% - Identify the value of and drivers for trust-centric security
- Identify the value of zero trust
- Identify zero-trust solutions
- Identify Cisco Zero Trust outcomes 
Cisco Security Solutions Portfolio 20% - Identify the requirements of modern network environments
- Identify the challenges of next generation networks
- Identify Cisco solutions for next generation network security
- Identify Cisco security solution sets 


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