Showing posts with label Cisco Security Outcomes Report. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cisco Security Outcomes Report. Show all posts

Tuesday 19 July 2022

Security Resilience in APJC

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As the world continues to face formidable challenges, one of the many things impacted is cybersecurity. While recent challenges have been varied, they have all contributed to great uncertainty. How can organizations stay strong and protect their environments amidst so much volatility?

Lately we’ve been talking a lot about security resilience, and how companies can embrace it to stay the course no matter what happens. By building a resilient security strategy, organizations can more effectively address unexpected disruptions and emerge stronger.

Through our Security Outcomes Study, Volume 2, we were able to benchmark how companies around the world are doing when it comes to cyber resilience. Recent blog posts have taken a look at security resilience in the EMEA and Americas regions, and this post assesses resilience in Asia Pacific, Japan and China (APJC).

While the Security Outcomes Study focuses on a dozen outcomes that contribute to overall security program success, for this analysis, we focused on four specific outcomes that are most critical for security resilience. These include: keeping up with the demands of the business, avoiding major cyber incidents, maintaining business continuity, and retaining talented personnel.

Security performance across the region

The following chart shows the proportion of organizations in each market within APJC that reported “excelling” in these four outcomes:

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Market-level comparison of reported success levels for security resilience outcomes

There is a lot of movement in this chart, but if you take a closer look, you will see that many of the percentage differences between markets are quite small. For example, 44.9% of organizations in the Philippines reported that they are proficient at keeping up with the business, with Mainland China closely following at 44.4%.

The biggest difference we see between the top spot and the bottom spot is around retaining security talent—42.4% of organizations in Australia reported that they were successful in that area, while only 18.3% of organizations in Hong Kong reported the same.

Next, we looked at the mean resilience score for each market in the region:

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Market-level comparison of mean security resilience score

When we look at this, we can see the differences between the top six and bottom seven markets a bit more clearly. However, as the previous chart also showed, the differences are very slight. (When we take into account the gray error bars, they become even more slight.)

There are many factors that could contribute to these small differences when it comes to security resilience. But the most important thing to be gleaned from this data is how each market can improve its respective resilience level.

Improving resilience in APJC

The Security Outcomes Study revealed the top five practices—what we refer to as “The Fab Five”—that make the most impact when it comes to enhancing security. The following chart outlines the Fab Five, and demonstrates how each market in the APJC region ranked its own strength across these practices.

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Market-level comparison of reported success levels for Fab Five security practices

If we look at Thailand, for example, 69.1% of organizations say they are adept at accurate threat detection, while only 28% of organizations in Taiwan say the same. Like in the previous charts, there is a lot of movement between how various markets reported their performance against these practices. However, it’s interesting to note that Taiwan remained consistent.

So does implementing the Fab Five improve resilience across organizations in APJC? Looking at the chart below, it’s safe to say that, yes, implementing the Fab Five does improve resilience. Organizations in APJC that did not implement any of the Fab Five practices ranked in the bottom 30% for resilience, whereas those that reported strength in all five rose to the top 30%.

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Effect of implementing five leading security practices on overall resilience score

Boost your organization’s cyber resilience

While building resilience can sometimes seem like an elusive concept, we hope this data provides some concrete benchmarks to strive for in today’s security programs.


Sunday 24 April 2022

Security Resilience in EMEA

What makes a successful cybersecurity program and how can organizations improve their resilience in a world that seems increasingly unpredictable? How do we know what actually works and what doesn’t in order to maximize success?

These are the types of burning questions guiding Cisco’s Security Outcomes Study series. In the second edition of the study, Cisco conducted an independent, double-blind survey of over 5,100 IT professionals in 27 countries. This article highlights data from the latest volume to focus on security resilience in the region spanning Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA).

The study focuses on a dozen outcomes that contribute to overall security program success. Four of them in particular are crucial for building resilience:

◉ Keeping up with the business (Security should enable, not impede)

◉ Avoiding major incidents (…And their business impacts)

◉ Maintaining business continuity (…Even when disaster strikes)

◉ Retaining talented personnel (You can’t stay on top when top staff won’t stay)

Assessing Security Resilience in EMEA

We calculated an overall resilience score for each surveyed organization based on their ratings for the outcomes listed above. The chart below compares that score across the three global regions. Organizations in the Americas scored a scant 1.7% better than the global average, while EMEA organizations landed about 2% below that mark. And the width of the gray error bars further diminishes those differences. Overall, we simply don’t see huge discrepancies in security resilience at the regional level.

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Regional comparison of mean security resilience score

When examining resilience at the country level, however, differences begin to emerge. The next chart shows the proportion of organizations in each country reportedly “excelling” in each of the four outcomes related to security resilience. In other words, about 48% of firms in Saudi Arabia say their security program is doing a great job keeping up with the business. About 37% excel at maintaining business continuity, and so on. So, pick your country of interest and trace its success level across each outcome.

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Country-level comparison of reported success levels for security resilience outcomes

Interested in comparing countries in the EMEA region across all 12 security outcomes beyond those shown here for resilience? Download the EMEA spinoff of the Security Outcomes Study, Volume 1.

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of this chart is the comparison it provides among countries. The reported success rates by security professionals in the countries at the top are roughly twice that of those on the bottom. And for the most part, each country maintains its relative position across all outcomes.

The obvious question here is what lies behind these apparent differences in security resilience among countries? Is Saudi Arabia really that much more resilient than Germany? Might German organizations have a more realistic grasp of what it means to be resilient and know there’s a lot of work left to do? Perhaps it’s somewhere between those possibilities or something else altogether.

Whatever the reason, the key takeaway here is that success rates for all countries indicate that organizations aren’t as successful as they’d like to be in the area of security resilience.

Improving Security Resilience in EMEA

How can organizations in the EMEA region improve those outcomes, thereby making their firms more resilient? That’s an excellent question and one we were eager to explore in the Security Outcomes Study. The study revealed five security practices—affectionately referred to as the Fab Five—that boost security program success more than any others. If you’d like a lot more information about the Fab Five and how to maximize their effectiveness, the latest edition of the Security Outcomes Study is the place to go.

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The Fab Five: Highly effective practices for achieving security program outcomes

Before we examine how these practices improve resilience, let’s first check how well each country has implemented each of the Fab Five. The chart below mimics the one above for outcomes and is interpreted similarly. Once again, we see Saudi Arabia reporting the strongest implementation of these practices and Germany reporting the lowest. Countries shift around quite a bit beyond that.

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Country-level comparison of reported success levels for five leading security practices

As with the outcomes chart, reasons behind these country-level differences are difficult to pinpoint. We suspect there’s a mix of maturity, cultural, and organizational factors at play. But hey, if you have thoughts, we’d love to hear them. Use #SecurityOutcomes on LinkedIn or Twitter to get our attention.

Remember that security resilience score we shared above for the regions? Great, because it’s coming back into play in this next chart. We wanted to test whether practicing the Fab Five actually improved resilience among EMEA organizations participating in our study. As seen in the chart below, that’s a definitive “Yes!”

Organizations that don’t do any of these practices well ranked in the bottom 25% for resilience, whereas those strong in all five reversed that standing and rose into the top 25%!

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Effect of implementing five leading security practices on overall resilience score

Resilience has always been critical for cybersecurity. However, the last several years have really driven home the point that organizational defenders must be ready for anything. We hope this analysis demonstrates two things: 1) Organizations in the EMEA region have room for improving security resilience, and 2) It is actually possible to do so.
