Sunday 26 May 2019

Cybersecurity Roles and Responsibilities: Private Sector Perspective

I had the pleasure of briefing members of the U.S. Senate’s Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee to provide Cisco’s perspective on the roles for the private sector and government in protecting the nation’s digital infrastructure. I focused my remarks on a much-publicized recent cybersecurity attack since it’s a great example of how the public and private sectors can and should work together.

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The important lessons we can draw from this recent attack are that:

1. Government and industry  both have distinct, but important, roles to play in preparing for and responding to cyber-attacks;

2. Effective communication between our roles is essential; and

3. We all need to maintain vigilance because the attackers never sleep and their sophistication is only limited by software and imagination.

Last month, Cisco’s Talos threat intelligence team made headlines globally publishing a report on a state-sponsored attack dubbed “Sea Turtle.” This attack, which was impossible to detect, enabled the theft of login credentials and other sensitive data. It was so successful, like many other attacks, because we continue to rely on passwords, which users frequently reuse.

The response to the Sea Turtle attack demonstrated the power of the public-private partnership so central to cybersecurity in our country. First, it was a positive development that the private sector was able to quickly detect both attacks and raise awareness. Second, the US government set a positive example by issuing a Binding Operational Directive to federal agencies, and providing concrete, usable advice to the general public about the importance of MFA.

Today, MFA can frustrate attempts by hackers to reuse stolen passwords. Longer term, we need to pivot away from a reliance on these passwords and build a more “zero trust” environment that will continuously authenticate users and devices. Fortunately, MFA is again part of this longer-term approach.

This attack and many others exploits trust in ways that we should all view as highly troubling, but can be prevented through wider use of technologies, such as multifactor authentication. I’m a student of history and I know how powerful the public/private partnerships can be to drive innovation. It’s how the Internet was created and it’s certainly how it can be protected. Effective communication between the private and public sector can also drive actionable information to the public in time for harms to be mitigated while we develop longer term solutions, together, to the problem of ongoing cyber threats.

Saturday 25 May 2019

Five Game-Changers for Mid-Market Businesses That Boldly Move to Cloud Calling

ISG report claims that moving to cloud operations saves companies an average of 38%1

As a mid-market business leader, one of the most important decisions you make is your approach to digital transformation. A critical part of any digital transformation strategy is the use of cloud technology; particularly cloud communications and collaboration. New cloud delivery of advanced, cognitive collaboration technologies offers the freedom to provide a first-class service experience to customers anywhere on the planet, with rapid, low risk deployment, low up-front costs, and a tightly integrated cloud application workflow model. This can mean the difference between being the agent of change in your industry and watching the market pass you by.

The State of the Cloud Calling Market

Globally, the mid-market cloud PBX segment is just starting to pick up momentum, with analysts projecting a 24% global segment CAGR of 24% through 2022, to build on a low current market penetration level estimated at 12%. See Figure 1.

Figure 1 – Cloud Calling Market Penetration and Growth Rates by Segment

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New cloud options, like Cisco Webex Calling, are adding the scalability, reliability and security, along with a more sophisticated collaboration feature set that mid-market business requires. The cloud is better able to economically address the multi-site, contact center and mobile connectivity shortcomings of the on-premises options available to mid-market organizations. Equally important is the ability to support a cloud migration strategy that offers seamless operation throughout the time a business requires use of a mixed cloud/on-premises model. Because most mid-market businesses are not ready to go all-in on the cloud in one step, support for a common dial plan, administration and directory model through this transition period is an essential check point to starting a successful cloud migration.

The Performance Gap Between Leaders and Laggards

The urgency for business to take action now comes down to the performance gap between digital transformation leaders and laggards. Digital transformation can dramatically lower costs, enhance agility and enables mid-market organizations to implement technologies and tools that were once only available to large enterprises. Well executed, these strategies are game changers for the mid-market organization. A Harvard Business School study2 published by Professors Marco Iansiti and Karim Lakhani demonstrated the gap between the top 25% “Digital Leaders” and the bottom 25% “Digital Laggards.” Figure 2 shows a gross margin difference of 18% between the leaders and laggards, and concludes, “Digital Transformation has become the new normal.”

Figure 2 – The digital divide between digital leaders and laggards

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Five reasons to implement digital collaboration transformation strategies (Figure 3)

1. Gain large enterprise capabilities without the cost and complexity– Historically, mid-market organizations have been at a disadvantage to larger organizations, due to the high capital cost of implementing sophisticated, complex and expensive IT applications, technologies and infrastructures. Cloud calling, collaboration and contact centers change all these by making advanced tools affordable to the mid-market for the first time.

2. Enhance business agility and reduce operational cost and complexity– Cloud calling, and collaboration allows organizations to seamlessly scale users and sites up or down quickly and predictably, with one global solution that can be centrally managed. Precious capital investments are preserved for more strategic business initiatives while operating budgets become more transparent and predictable, without the headaches of managing surprise PBX upgrades and maintenance. And both management and workforce productivity are vastly improved through the use of always-current and accessible cloud collaboration services.

3. Increase workforce mobility, productivity and satisfaction – A key issue for today’s multi-site enterprise and mobile workforce is the complexity and expense in deploying, managing, keeping up-to-date and networking multiple on-premises systems that typically range from new to decades old. Millennial and Gen Z employees expect advanced collaboration tools in the workplace – the same tools that they use in their private lives – and these have a dramatic impact in both recruitment and retention. They expect a seamless, global and feature rich collaboration experience across any device, network or channel –calling, messaging, team collaboration, video, etc.

4. Strengthen customer journeys and relationships– Most mid-market enterprises must deliver an omni-channel – voice, chat, video, IVR, natural language, bot – customer support experience in their contact centers, inbound/outbound sales and service operations. For many businesses, these solutions are mission critical to their customer relationships and business success. Prior to the cloud, sophisticated contact center solutions that went beyond basic routing and reporting were very expensive and difficult to manage and keep current. The cloud makes the most advanced contact center technologies accessible for businesses of all sizes without the capital investment and operational complexity.

5. Improve business performance and competitiveness– As the Harvard Business School study demonstrates, organization’s financial performance and business outcomes are vastly improved through strategic digital transformation. Successful transformation projects focus on cost reductions, process improvements, adding organizational agility to respond rapidly to changing environments, and one-to-one, team and customer collaboration.

Up until now, the mid-market segment has been slower to implement cloud collaboration transformation strategies, due to the complexity of their transformation journeys and the lack of maturity in cloud solutions. That limit no longer exists. Webex Calling now allows mid-market customers to replace their PBXs and deploy cloud calling and collaboration with confidence, with a proven enterprise platform that is already serving 29 million business users worldwide. Are you ready to take the next step?

Talk to Cisco.

Figure 3 – Five reasons mid-market organizations must implement cognitive collaboration transformations

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Thursday 23 May 2019

What Your Collaboration Strategy Is Missing

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Why your new collaboration technology isn’t catching on as you expected

When organizations want to update their collaboration technologies, IT departments spend weeks, sometimes months, focusing on the right products that will help their company meet their goals. They rigorously check requirements, ensure all the right specs are in place, and carefully configure the new technology before making it available to end users. Everything goes as planned. Yet three months in, management is wondering why no one is using the new technology. Sound familiar?

Most new collaboration investments fail to reach their full potential not because of the technology itself but rather because of how it’s introduced to its end users. People often don’t like change, even if it’s for their own benefit. So, when a new technology is introduced, people tend to stick with what they know and what they are comfortable with. They also might not want to learn new things and can be hard to convince. Or they might not feel compelled to use the new technology if they don’t see their colleagues using it as well.

All these reactions are normal. But the good news is, there are several things you can do to help your teams in the process:

◈ First, make sure to involve executives early in using the new technology. Set up some time with them to have them interact with the technology. And lastly, walk them through some best practices so they feel more comfortable using and promoting it.

◈ Second, focus on raising awareness throughout the organization via marketing and communication. Good ideas include:

     ◈ Posters in hallways (clearly visible to support organizational change)
     ◈ Internal forums to help answer questions
     ◈ How-to videos that help users get acquainted or that helps solve basic issues
     ◈ Quick reference guides and recorded trainings that help answer “What’s in it for me?
     ◈ Language specific material so people can learn best in their native language

◈ Finally, set up some hands-on training options before the rollout and some support desks afterwards to ensure users that they can have any questions they have answered.

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Infographics and engaging posters that match your company’s colors and brand guidelines, such as the images above, are two good ways raise awareness throughout your organization.

Learning to how facilitate a change management approach for your organization is no easy task. However, it is a crucial element to establishing buy-in and usage for your new collaboration technology. The question is, are you willing to champion these kinds of actions for your organization?

Help is here if you need it

If you’re unsure about committing yourself to the extra work, there are other ways you can ensure your organization adapts properly to a new technology change. Cisco offers many different options that could potentially aid you in finding the perfect fit – from basic insights to expert advice and assistance.

One of the most common, initial customer introductions is from Cisco’s Customer Success (CS) team. Here, Customer Success managers help guide you to understand your technology further, based on agreed upon capabilities, licenses, features, services, and bundles. They also help monitor your adoption progress and better measure the impact to your organization.

Another available option is Cisco’s User Solution Empowerment (USE) Adoption services. USE is another, yet less familiar, alternative that can help your employees adopt collaboration technologies with greater speed and effectiveness through a change management approach. With access to customized processes, materials, and techniques from Prosci Certified Change Management Professionals, you can directly influence and improve:

◈ User behavior
◈ Product and technology use
◈ Organizational adoption
◈ Business processes and workflows

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Simply introducing a collaboration technology to someone and getting their feedback on how you can help raise awareness is a great way to lower anxiety among those who are unsure about a new technology change.

One of the main differences between CS and USE is that CS is usually complimentary to new customers whereas USE is an add-on service that requires an additional investment. To help articulate the difference easier, let’s look at a quick example of a USE engagement.

A major retail banking customer was experiencing lower-than-expected usage in its Webex Meetings solution. Consequently, it invested in USE Adoption services to better train, educate, and encourage end users to collaborate easily through the technology.

The USE team ended up creating a global training strategy that included:

◈ A detailed marketing & communications plan to create awareness through: 
     ◈ Executive sponsorship and communication
     ◈ Digital signage on the company website
     ◈ Company-branded posters throughout hallways and elevators

◈ 25 instructor-led sessions tailored specifically at helping event managers, help desk trainers, and administrative professionals best use Webex Meetings

◈ Multiple training recordings for all users, so users can access learning material at any time

◈ Custom educational reference guides created in four languages (English, Portuguese, Spanish, and French), so users could maximize their learning by understanding best practices in their native language

Through this material, the company was able to reach thousands of employees over seven months. By providing the necessary resources to help them use the technology more, over 1800 users were trained during that span. Additionally, the company saw a 12-times increase in the number of registered Webex Meetings and active hosts conducting meetings.

What to do next?

As shown above, one of the most fundamental elements of successful adoption is a good change management approach. A proper one includes influential factors such as executive sponsorship, live training, user segmentation, and awareness throughout the organization. Each has its own specific purpose in influencing change, whether it be awareness, social proof, or even physical usage.

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Think of ways you can approach executives to get their buy-in. Coffee breaks, for instance, might be an effective method for those who are busy and constantly on-the-go.

If you’re considering improving your adoption rate on your own, consider how you can broaden your approach beyond simple recordings and PDFs. Who has access to influence upper management? Who’s a good teacher and can volunteer to lead hour-long classes? Who can start a forum on the topic to answer questions and spark conversations? Who’s good at marketing?  Think through creative ways you can get your teams involved because without them, users can feel “left on their own” and even frustrated with the new technology. Or they might not understand how important it is to use.

Wednesday 22 May 2019

How to Get On the Road to Cloud Calling Success

A Road to Somewhere

Taking your business to a cloud calling model can sometimes feel like starting out on a long, cross-country drive without a map, nor a clear destination, nor timeline. There are so many options that make it hard to navigate. That’s why many businesses get lost along the way and lose heart.

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It doesn’t have to be that way. Getting your business to a bright cloud communications and collaboration future can be a much more predictable and enjoyable experience.

Elevation Gain

The move to the cloud is picking up pace. Market statistics show global annual growth rates in the 15-20% range, with even higher growth as you move into market segments above 100 users. Leading analysts are predicting as many as 90% of IT leaders will no longer buy new on-premises PBX or unified communications equipment beyond 2021.

The growth in cloud calling is happening for some very clear reasons. Technology innovation cycles are faster for cloud services, which can now deliver a richer feature set that’s more tightly integrated with other important cloud business services, like Office 365, G Suite, Salesforce, and others. Cloud can also offer distinct advantages in scalability, reliability and even security.


So where’s the difficulty? Well, not all cloud services are alike. Most vendors offer only one pathway to the cloud. These vendors might provide multiple feature packages, but the cloud migration is an all, or nothing proposition, one size fits all. They aren’t really offering you a pathway that respects your business strategy and any current depreciable investments in licensing, phones and equipment you may have. This creates a major disconnect.

Course Correction

Because Cisco is the leader and pioneer in both on-premises PBX systems, as well as cloud PBX services, we can offer a much more practical, business-friendly transition to the cloud, at any pace that makes sense for your business.

With Cisco, your cloud journey starts with a Cisco partner taking the time to understand your strategy, locations, workforce, communication patterns, and infrastructure. This provides the background to work out a transition timeline and technology path that meets your business objectives and will serve your business well going forward.

Navigation Support

First, it’s important to understand where you want to end up. Will you be moving your entire business to the cloud, or are there certain sites, or functions that will continue to use on-premises systems for the foreseeable future. This early discussion of the end-game will help define which Cisco calling platforms will be the best fit for your business future.

Then together we plan your transition by identifying a set of logical phases for cloud adoption. It may be based on sites, regions, workgroups, or any combination thereof. We have found the best transition plan involves a three-step approach defined as cap, surround, migrate.

Cap is where you define the limit for any future spending for on-premises PBX systems. We identify this demarcation point during the pre-planning process.

Surround is where you begin, as soon as possible, to surround your people and processes with rich Webex collaboration capabilities, added to their calling, meetings and team interactions, all delivered from the cloud.

Migrate is where group-by-group, team-by-team, or site-by-site you begin to move your people away from on-premises systems to their new cloud service.

Vehicle Protection (or Predictable Cost)

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As you transition your business to the Cisco cloud, we protect your investment with Cisco in a number of ways. Most Cisco IP phones purchased to run on Cisco Unified Communications Manager (UCM) in the past few years become Cisco cloud ready with just a firmware change. Another area of savings is when you purchase your UCM licenses through the Cisco Collaboration Flex Plan, you pay for UC licenses either on a subscription model, or you will receive trade-in credits to apply when you choose to migrate those licenses to the Cisco cloud. Either way, you save money.

Cisco cloud calling platforms make it simple to transition to the cloud, by site or by user, while keeping everybody connected, with common dial plans and directories. Our unique portfolio enables us to deliver an exceptional collaboration experience, with calling, meetings, teams, contact center and devices all intelligently integrated for better performance.

Cisco Webex Calling is a great solution for mid-sized to large enterprises looking for a simple cloud transition. For businesses that require a more customized approach, Cisco Hosted Collaboration Solution (HCS) is an excellent option. And with Cisco you can choose to purchase from any of our qualified cloud channel partners, that include over 600 leading service provider and VAR channel partners around the world.

Safe Arrival

As you can see, Cisco has put in the work and planning that enables you to select a cloud PBX journey designed to serve your specific business needs, rather than try to force you into a one-size-fits-nobody arrangement. You have the freedom to choose your speed, select the technology course that’s right for your business, and the Cisco partner best suited to serve as navigator for your journey. We’ve even made sure you get the most out of your investment in your current calling vehicle (phones and licenses) along the way.

Tuesday 21 May 2019

Announcing the Availability of the Dual-Rate 10/25G Long Reach Transceiver Module

We’re excited to release a new addition to our portfolio of dual-rate pluggable transceivers: The 10/25G LR (Long Reach) SFP28 transceiver module, also known as SFP-10/25G-LR-S. Here’s some info about the new product that you may be wondering about.

What is the SFP-10/25G-LR-S?

The SFP-10/25G-LR-S is a SFP (Small Form Factor), dual rate (10GE and 25GE), Long Reach (LR) transceiver for SMF (Single Mode Fiber) applications. The transceiver enables high speed connectivity between platforms that accept SFP28’s at distances of up to 10km (~6.2miles) with appropriate software support.

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SFP-10/25G-LR Applications

SFP-10/25G-LR transceivers are needed in an assortment of applications including Enterprise, Data Center and Service Provider networks where transmission of 25G (and 10G) ethernet is used over SMF.

For Enterprise applications the SFP-10/25G-LR is used in the Intra-Building Backbone to connect Wiring Closet switches to Distribution switches and in the Inter-Building Backbone to connect Distribution switches to enterprises core switches and routers.

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For Data Center applications the SFP-10/25G-LR is used to connect Top of Rack (ToR), Middle of Row (MoR) or End of Row (EoR) switches to Servers or to connector ToR, MoR and EoR switches to Leaf switches.

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For Service Provider applications the SFP-10/25G-LR is used to connect the Service Provider Edge Routers that are in their Central Offices to their customer’s routers or Node switch.

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Cisco platforms that support the SFP-10/25G-LR-S

The SFP-10/25G-LR-S is supported in wide variety of Cisco platforms including Catalyst switches, Nexus switches, NCS routers and USC platforms.

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Other 25G transceivers available from Cisco

Cisco has a complete family of 25G transceivers including SMF & MMF (Multi Mode Fiber) transceivers, DAC (Direct Attached Cables) and AOC (Active Optical Cables) for a multitude of applications.

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Monday 20 May 2019

Cisco AMP for Endpoints excelling in AV Comparatives Business Main Test Series

AV-Comparatives have long been the benchmark of 3rdparty testing in the endpoint security space. This year, for the first time ever, AMP for Endpoints participated in AV-Comparatives malware testing. The Business Main Test Series was broken up into two main sections: the Malware Protection Test and Business Real-World Protection Test.

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While the full report will be released in July, AV-Comparatives released a short fact sheet today. Because the test is only partially completed, the results will continue to vary, but Cisco AMP for Endpoints expects to maintain consistently high scores.


First, let’s give the brief facts behind the Business Main Test Series:

◈ 19 products are participating
◈ All products tested on a Windows 10 RS5 64-bit
◈ All vendors were allowed to configure their products
◈ Cloud and PUA detection activated in all products

Given these parameters, the 19 products will participate in a fourth month test culminating in July. At this midpoint, however, the products have participated in the two aforementioned tests.

Malware Protection Test 

In this test, the products were tested with 1,311 different malware samples. Based on criteria defined by AV-Comparatives in their report, the products were given parameters to detect the malware samples.

So far, AMP for Endpoints is one of eight products to have a malware protection rate of 99.8% or higher. In addition to this extremely high detection rate, AMP for Endpoints registered 0 false alarms on common business software.

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AV-Comparatives also performed tests on non-business software. This will not affect the final “Approved Business Product” rating they deliver, but the results are notable as it helps to demonstrates how well a product can really delineate between good and bad. Cisco AMP for Endpoints was granted the highest rating of “very low “which denotes 0-5 false positives on non-business software.

Cisco AMP for Endpoints consistently pledges to deliver elite threat detection, investigation, and response. The 99.8% malware protection rate so far highlights Cisco AMP for Endpoint’s ability to deliver on that pledge. At the same time, the low number of false positives shows that Cisco AMP for Endpoints does not need to bog down IT professionals with useless alerts allowing them to focus on what’s really important.

Real-World Protection Test

Over the course of two months, the products encountered 389 test cases. Of the 389 test cases, Cisco AMP For Endpoints has blocked all but three while producing ZERO false alarms. Resulting in a 99.2% protection rate so far. Cisco AMP For Endpoints is only one of three products to have zero false alarms. Others have already flagged up to 18 false alarms.

Saturday 18 May 2019

Artificial Intelligence Partner Opportunity

A short time ago I had the opportunity to participate in the AI Partner and Customer events that we had in our Innovation Centers in Paris, London and Berlin. The excitement and interest of both our customers and partners was palpable.

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You might have seen some of the headlines in the news around Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) and how in the US, the European Union and Asia many countries are increasing their public and private investment in this field. AI is present everywhere nowadays, from a simple semantic search on the internet to some of the latest self-driving vehicles already available in many places. It is expected that by the year 2022 worldwide spending in AI systems will reach 78 billion US dollars and that the spending in AI servers will grow from 5 billion to 18 billion US dollars. These figures alone represent a substantial opportunity for Cisco and for our Partners.

Another interesting learning from these events was that contrary to what most people might think, a larger percentage of Machine Learning deployments are deployed on-premise as opposed to on cloud. This poses an immediate opportunity for Cisco and our partners in terms of supporting our customers with their initial deployments in their own Data Centers. There are some intrinsic benefits for deploying ML on premise, among them we can list the data gravity integration and application performance, governance and TCO (Total Cost of Ownership), while on cloud deployments provide faster deployments and simplicity.

An AI/ML solution requires multidisciplinary skills and a deep collaboration between different stakeholders, including Data Scientists and Data Engineers, the CIO and the different business leaders as well as the IT team. Without all these different teams working together with a common and joint objective a successful deployment would be really difficult to realize.

The Cisco AI/ML offering focuses on Full Data Life Cycle, Simplicity, and Manageability and includes:

◈ A full portfolio for all AI/ML computing needs.
◈ Validated solutions with technology partners
◈ Natural extension of existing computing environment

The Cisco AI/ML Architecture includes UCS (Unified Computing Systems) Servers, Cisco Infrastructure Management and Cisco Networking Solutions that power a Virtualization Layer, a Converged Infrastructure for AI and Big Data Clusters which in turn sustain the AI/ML Software platforms which eventually provide the business outcomes that AI delivers. This Architecture helps to bridge the gap between IT and the Data Scientists.

There are some real use cases examples that were highlighted in these AI events which I found quite relevant and that our partners can leverage to initiate the discussion with their customers. Some of them include:


◈ Customer-Centric Marketing

◈ Product recommendation

◈ Experience personalization

◈ Attrition prediction


◈ Improve customer experience

◈ Predicting Failures

◈ Automatically Position Spares at Depots

◈ Optimizing Supply Chain and Customer Experience


◈ Autonomous Vehicle Simulations

◈ Complex simulation modelling

◈ Massive storage requirements

◈ High volume data inputs

AI/ML can also help resolve some of the Internet of Things new set of technical challenges such as:

◈ Harsh environments

◈ Hyper-scale

◈ Randomness and unpredictability

◈ Determinism

◈ Subject to (even subtle) attacks

We can also make use of AI/ML to predict performances of the IoT, detect subtle attacks, and make the network reactive at scale as well as for Cognitive and Predictive Analytics.