Thursday 30 April 2020

Writing Production-ready Code; Nornir Edition

Let’s start with the least interesting topic first – documentation. You have to consider two aspects here:

1. Peripheral files: Files not part of the project, such as architecture diagrams or README files, are good places for newcomers to learn about your work. Be complete yet concise; describe how everything fits together as simply as you can. Invest 10 minutes to learn Markdown or ReStructured Text if you don’t know them.

2. The code itself: Perhaps you’ve heard the term “self-documenting code”. Python makes this easy as many of its idioms and semantics read like plain English. Resist the urge to use overly clever or complex techniques where they aren’t necessary. Comment liberally, not just for others, but as a favor to your future self. Developers tend to forget how their code works a few weeks after it has been written (at least, I know I do)!

I think it is beyond dispute that static code analysis tools such as linters, security scanners, and code formatters are great additions to any code project. I don’t have strong opinions on precisely which tools are the best, but I’ve grown comfortable with the following options. All of them can be installed using pip:

1. pylint: Python linter that checks for syntax errors, styling issues, and minor security issues
2. bandit: Python security analyzer that reports vulnerabilities based on severity and confidence
3. black: Python formatter to keep source code consistent (spacing, quotes, continuations, etc.)
4. yamllint: YAML syntax formatter; similar to pylint but for configuration files

Sometimes you won’t find a public linter for the code you care about. Time permitting, write your own. Because the narc project consumes JSON files as input, I wrote a simple script that just finds all JSON files, attempts to parse Python objects from then, and fails if any exceptions are raised. That’s it. I’m only trying to answer the question “Is the file formatted correctly?” I’d rather know right away instead of waiting for Nornir to crash later.

failed = False
for varfile in os.listdir(path):
    if varfile.endswith(".json"):
        filepath = os.path.join(path, varfile)
        with open(filepath, "r") as handle:
                # Attempt to load the JSON data into Python objects
            except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as exc:
                # Print specific file and error condition, mark failure
                print(f"{filepath}: {exc}")
                failed = True

# If failure occurred, use rc=1 to signal an error
if failed:

These tools take little effort to deploy and have a very high “return on effort”. However, they are superficial in their test coverage and wholly insufficient by themselves. Most developers begin testing their code by first constructing unit tests. These test the smallest, atomic (indivisible) parts of a program, such as functions, methods, or classes. Like in electronics manufacturing, a component on a circuit board may be tested by measuring the voltage across two pins. This particular measurement is useless in the context of the board’s overall purpose, but is a critical component in a larger, complex system. The same concept is true for software projects.

It is conventional to contain all tests, unit or otherwise, in a tests/ directory parallel to the project’s source code. This is keeps things organized and allows for your code project and test structure to be designed differently. My script lives here, along with several other files beginning with test_. This naming convention is common in Python projects to identify files containing tests. Popular Python testing tools/frameworks like pytest will automatically discover and execute them.

$ tree tests/
|-- data
| |-- cmd_checks.yaml
| `-- dummy_checks.yaml

Consider the file first, which tests the get_cmd() function. This function takes in a dictionary representing an ASA rule to check, and expands it into a packet-tracer command that the ASA will understand. Some people call this “unparsing” as it transforms structured data into plain text. This process is deterministic and easy to test; given any dictionary, we can predict what the command should be. In the data/ directory, I’ve defined a few YAML files which contain these test cases. I usually recommend keeping static data out of your test code and instead developing general test processes instead. The narc project supports TCP, UDP, ICMP, and raw IP protocol flows. Therefore, my test file should have at least 4 cases. Using nested dictionaries, we can define individual cases that represent the chk input values, then the expected_cmd field contains the expected packet-tracer command. I think the file is self-explanatory, and you can check to see how this file is consumed.

$ cat tests/data/cmd_checks.yaml
    in_intf: "inside"
    proto: "tcp"
    src_ip: ""
    src_port: 5001
    dst_ip: ""
    dst_port: 5002
    expected_cmd: >-
      packet-tracer input inside tcp 5001 5002 xml
    in_intf: "inside"
    proto: "udp"
    src_ip: ""
    src_port: 5001
    dst_ip: ""
    dst_port: 5002
    expected_cmd: >-
      packet-tracer input inside udp 5001 5002 xml
    in_intf: "inside"
    proto: "icmp"
    src_ip: ""
    dst_ip: ""
    icmp_type: 8
    icmp_code: 0
    expected_cmd: >-
      packet-tracer input inside icmp 8 0 xml
    in_intf: "inside"
    proto: 123
    src_ip: ""
    dst_ip: ""
    expected_cmd: >-
      packet-tracer input inside rawip 123 xml

All good code projects perform some degree of input data validation. Suppose a user enters an IPv4 address of or a TCP port of -1. Surely the ASA would throw an error message, but why let it get to that point? Problems don’t get better over time, and we should test for these conditions early. In general, we want to “fail fast”. That’s what the script does and it works in conjunction with the dummy_checks.yml file. Invalid “check” dictionaries should be logged and not sent to the network device.

As a brief aside, data validation is inherent when using modeling languages like YANG. This is one of the reasons why model-driven programmability and telemetry are growing in popularity. In addition to removing the arbitrariness of data structures, it enforces data compliance without explicit coding logic.

We’ve tested quite a bit so far, but we haven’t tied anything together yet. Always consider building in some kind of integration/system level testing to your project. For narc, I introduced a feature named “dryrun” and it is easily toggled using a CLI argument at runtime. This code bypasses the Netmiko logic and instead generates simulated (sometimes called “mocked”) XML output for each packet-tracer command. This runs instantly and doesn’t require access to any network devices. We don’t really care if the rules pass or fail (hint: they’ll always pass), just that the solution is plumbed together correctly.

The diagram below illustrates how mocking works at a high level, and the goal is to keep the detour as short and as transparent as possible. You want to maximize testing before and after the mocking activity. Given Nornir’s flexible architecture with easy-to-define custom tasks, I’ve created a custom _mock_packet_trace task. It looks and feels like network_send_command as it returns an identical result, but is designed for local testing.

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How do we tie this seemingly complex string of events together? Opinions on this topic, as with everything in programming, run far and wide. I’m old school and prefer to use a Makefile, but more modern tools exist like Task which are YAML-based and less finicky. Some people just prefer shell scripts. Makefiles were traditionally used to compile code and link the resulting objects in languages like C. For Python projects, you can create “targets” or “goals” to run various tasks. Think of each target as a small shell script. For example, make lint will run the static code analysis tools pylint, bandit, black, yamllint, and the script. Then, make unit will run pytest on all test_*.py files. Finally, make dry will execute the Nornir runbook in dryrun mode, testing the system as a whole (minus Netmiko) with mock data. You can also create operational targets unrelated to the project code. I often define make clean to remove any application artifacts, Python byte code .pyc files, and logs.

Rather than having to type out all of these targets, a single target can reference other targets. For example, consider the make test target which runs all 4 targets in the correct sequence. You can simplify it further by defining a “default goal” so that when only make is typed, it invokes make test. We developers are lazy and cherish saving 5 keystrokes per test run!

.PHONY: test
test: clean lint unit dry

Ideally, typing make should test your entire project from the simplest syntax checking to the most involved integration/system testing. Here’s the full, unedited logs from my dev environment relating to the narc project. I recommend NOT obscuring your command outputs; it is useful to see which commands have generated which outputs.

$ make
Starting clean
find . -name "*.pyc" | xargs -r rm
rm -f nornir.log
rm -rf outputs/
Starting clean
Starting lint
find . -name "*.yaml" | xargs yamllint -s
python tests/
find . -name "*.py" | xargs pylint

Your code has been rated at 10.00/10 (previous run: 10.00/10, +0.00)

find . -name "*.py" | xargs bandit --skip B101
[main] INFO profile include tests: None
[main] INFO profile exclude tests: None
[main] INFO cli include tests: None
[main] INFO cli exclude tests: B101
[main] INFO running on Python 3.7.3
Run started:2020-04-07 15:47:27.239623

Test results:
        No issues identified.

Code scanned:
        Total lines of code: 670
        Total lines skipped (#nosec): 0

Run metrics:
        Total issues (by severity):
                Undefined: 0.0
                Low: 0.0
                Medium: 0.0
                High: 0.0
        Total issues (by confidence):
                Undefined: 0.0
                Low: 0.0
                Medium: 0.0
                High: 0.0
Files skipped (0):
find . -name "*.py" | xargs black -l 85 --check
All done!
11 files would be left unchanged.
Completed lint
Starting unit tests
python -m pytest tests/ --verbose
================= test session starts ==================
platform linux -- Python 3.7.3, pytest-5.3.2, py-1.8.0, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /home/centos/environments/asapt/bin/python
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /home/centos/code/narc
collected 11 items

tests/ PASSED [ 9%]
tests/ PASSED [ 18%]
tests/ PASSED [ 27%]
tests/ PASSED [ 36%]
tests/ PASSED [ 45%]
tests/ PASSED [ 54%]
tests/ PASSED [ 63%]
tests/ PASSED [ 72%]
tests/ PASSED [ 81%]
tests/ PASSED [ 90%]
tests/ PASSED [100%]

======================================= 11 passed in 0.09s ========================================
Completed unit tests
Starting dryruns
python --dryrun --failonly
head -n 5 outputs/*
==> outputs/result.csv <==
host,id,proto,icmp type,icmp code,src_ip,src_port,dst_ip,dst_port,in_intf,out_intf,action,drop_reason,success

==> outputs/result.json <==
==> outputs/result.txt <==
python -d -s
ASAV1@2020-04-07T15:47:28.873590: loading YAML vars
ASAV1@2020-04-07T15:47:28.875094: loading vars succeeded
ASAV1@2020-04-07T15:47:28.875245: starting check DNS OUTBOUND (1/5)
ASAV1@2020-04-07T15:47:28.875291: completed check DNS OUTBOUND (1/5)
ASAV1@2020-04-07T15:47:28.875304: starting check HTTPS OUTBOUND (2/5)
ASAV1@2020-04-07T15:47:28.875333: completed check HTTPS OUTBOUND (2/5)
ASAV1@2020-04-07T15:47:28.875344: starting check SSH INBOUND (3/5)
ASAV1@2020-04-07T15:47:28.875371: completed check SSH INBOUND (3/5)
ASAV1@2020-04-07T15:47:28.875381: starting check PING OUTBOUND (4/5)
ASAV1@2020-04-07T15:47:28.875406: completed check PING OUTBOUND (4/5)
ASAV1@2020-04-07T15:47:28.875415: starting check L2TP OUTBOUND (5/5)
ASAV1@2020-04-07T15:47:28.875457: completed check L2TP OUTBOUND (5/5)
ASAV2@2020-04-07T15:47:28.878727: loading JSON vars
ASAV2@2020-04-07T15:47:28.878880: loading vars succeeded
ASAV2@2020-04-07T15:47:28.879018: starting check DNS OUTBOUND (1/5)
ASAV2@2020-04-07T15:47:28.879060: completed check DNS OUTBOUND (1/5)
ASAV2@2020-04-07T15:47:28.879073: starting check HTTPS OUTBOUND (2/5)
ASAV2@2020-04-07T15:47:28.879100: completed check HTTPS OUTBOUND (2/5)
ASAV2@2020-04-07T15:47:28.879110: starting check SSH INBOUND (3/5)
ASAV2@2020-04-07T15:47:28.879136: completed check SSH INBOUND (3/5)
ASAV2@2020-04-07T15:47:28.879146: starting check PING OUTBOUND (4/5)
ASAV2@2020-04-07T15:47:28.879169: completed check PING OUTBOUND (4/5)
ASAV2@2020-04-07T15:47:28.879179: starting check L2TP OUTBOUND (5/5)
ASAV2@2020-04-07T15:47:28.879202: completed check L2TP OUTBOUND (5/5)
head -n 5 outputs/*
==> outputs/result.csv <==
host,id,proto,icmp type,icmp code,src_ip,src_port,dst_ip,dst_port,in_intf,out_intf,action,drop_reason,success
ASAV1,SSH INBOUND,tcp,,,fc00:172:31:1::a,5000,fc00:192:0:2::2,22,UNKNOWN,UNKNOWN,DROP,dummy,True

==> outputs/result.json <==
  "ASAV1": {
      "Phase": [

==> outputs/result.txt <==
Completed dryruns

OK, so now we have a way to regression test an entire project, but it still requires manual human effort as part of a synchronous process: typing make, waiting for completion, observing results, and taking follow-on actions as needed. If your testing takes more than a few seconds, waiting will get old fast. A better solution would be automatically starting these tests whenever your code changes, then recording the results for review later. Put another way, when I type git push, I want to walk away with certainty that my updates will be tested. This is called “Continuous Integration” or CI, and is very easy to setup. There are plenty of solutions available: Gitlab CI, GitHub Actions (new), Circle CI, Jenkins, and many more. I’m a fan of Travis CI, and that’s what I’ve used for narc. Almost all of these solutions use a YAML file that defines the sequence in which test phases are executed. Below is the .travis.yml file from the project in question. The install phase installs all packages in the requirements.txt file using pip, and subsequence phases run various make targets.

$ cat .travis.yml
language: "python"
  - "3.7"

# Install python packages for ansible and linters.
  - "pip install -r requirements.txt"

# Perform pre-checks
  - "make lint"
  - "make unit"

# Perform runbook testing with mock ASA inputs.
  - "make dry"

Assuming you’ve set up Travis correctly (outside of scope for this blog), you’ll see your results in the web interface which clearly show each testing phase and the final results.

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And that, my friends, is how you build a professional code project!

Wednesday 29 April 2020

Using Advanced Velocity Templates in DNA Center – Part 1

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At the heart of any template is the concept of a “variable”.  Variables allow parts of configuration to be customized for a specific device, while ensuring other parts are standardized across all devices.   A single configuration template can be applied to many devices.  In Velocity, variables begin with “$”.   If you need to have a variable embedded in a string, you can use ${var} to denote the variable.

To configure a hostname for a network device, the cli command “hostname adam-router” is used.  “adam-router” is the name of the device.  When applying this template to a set of devices, the only thing that changes is the variable (${hname}).  By setting the variable hname = “adam”, “adam-router” would be rendered.

hostname ${hname}-router

Bound Variables

It is possible to access information about the device (from DNAC perspective) using a binding.  Attributes about the device, such as it’s model number can by linked to a variable.  For example in the following template I want to set ${device} to the device product ID (PID) from the inventory.

hostname ${hname}-${device}

When the template is defined in template programmer, click on the variable section.

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Selecting the Variables for Template

Then click the variable (device) and bind to source (bottom right).  Select Source = “Inventory”, Entity = “Device” and Attribute = “platformId”.   This indicates this variable should come from the inventory, specifically data about the device.  The attribute is optional, but in this case just the “platformId” (model number) is required.  For a stack this will be a comma separated list.

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Binding the Variable

This will render as hostname adam-WS-C3650-48PQ-E when applied to a 3650 switch.


Most programming languages provide if-else constructs. In Velocity, this is simple, #if #end statements denote a simple condition.  There are a number of use cases for if statements.

Optional Variables

Sometimes a variable may be optional, and the configuration line should only be rendered if the variable is set.  In the example below, if the $data_vlan variable is empty, the vlan configuration would be skipped

#if($data_vlan != "")
vlan $data_vlan
name userdata

Related Variables

Based on one variable, you may want to set some others.  This reduces the number of variables needed in the template.  #set is used to assign a variable.  In the example below, if the value of $hostname is “switch01” then the variable $loopback  is set to “”.

#if ($hostname == "switch01")
#set ($loopback = "")
#elseif ($hostname == "switch02")
#set ($loopback = "")

int lo0
ip address $loopback

Enable/Disable Trigger

Another example is to trigger a feature to be either enabled or disabled.  For example, a variable could be used to toggle enabling/disabling netflow.  To simplify the example, assume the definition of the netflow collector is also in the template.  The interface name could also be a variable.  In this example “apply” is set to “true” to enable netflow on the interface, and anything else will disable netflow.

int g1/0/10
;#if ($apply == "true")
ip flow monitor myflow input
no ip flow monitor myflow input

Regular Expressions

The if statements above showed an exact match of a string. How would a pattern match be done?  Fortunately, regular expression (regexp) are supported.  A detailed discussion of regexp is outside the scope of this post, as there are lots of other places to find tutorials on regexp.

For example,  a single template could do something specific for 9300 switches and still be applied to non-9300 switches.  The model number of the switch (from the inventory) is available via a bound variable.  As seen in the section above.   9300 series switches have a model number structured as 9300-NNXXX or 9300L-NNXXX-YY.  For example, C9300-24UB, C9300-48UXM, C9300L-24P-4G.

The regular expression is “C9300L?-[2|4][4|8].*”. The first part is just a string match “C9300”.  The “L?” means “L” is optional, sometimes it is present, sometimes not.  “-” is just a match.  “[2|4]” means either 2 or 4, and the same with “[4|8]”.  Finally, “.*” matches any remaining letters.  The variable is $model and $model.matches() will return true is the regular expression matches.

#if ($model.matches("C9300L?-[2|4][4|8].*") )
#set ($var = "9300")

The other way regular expressions can be used is to replace parts of a string.   In this example, I want to extract the number of ports on the switch from the model number.

I am using “replaceAll” vs “match”.  ReplaceAll takes a regular expression, as well as an argument to specify what to replace it with.  In this case “$1” is going to replace the contents of the regular expression.  The regular expression is identical to above, with one difference “([2|4][4|8])“.  The () saves the pattern inside, and it can be later referenced as “$1”.  This pattern is the number of ports.  It will match 24 or 48.   $ports would be set to either 24 or 48.

#set($ports = $model.replaceAll("C9300L?-([2|4][4|8]).*","$1"))

If $model = ” C9300L-24P-4G”, then $ports will be set to 24.

Tuesday 28 April 2020

Skyrocket Cisco Contact Center Efficiency with Artificial Intelligence

Cisco Prep, Cisco Tutorial and Material, Cisco Guides, Cisco Certification, Cisco Exam Prep

Enhancing Call Center Efficiency

Customer Experience is the priority of business leaders, any size, any vertical. Today customers want to be independent, they want access to self-serve solutions, they do not like to be sold things, they love to buy solutions to their problems and needs, thus a key to delivering amazing customer experience is to quickly resolve a customer’s problem – ideally on the first contact, even better if through self-services.

Artificial Intelligence implementations in contact centers are the primary way to improve first contact resolution (FSR) and drive customer experience and retention to the point that some analysts predict that a huge percentage of the customer interactions can be resolved by well-designed bots.

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The Future of Cisco Contact Centers

While I certainly believe that bots will be more and more powerful in the next future, my pragmatic suggestion, based on my field experience, would be slightly different, and the reason why I’m saying that is the incredible business case represented by Cognitive Contact Centers.

Let’s check some numbers together. Even assuming the monthly cost of an agent being $1000, optimizing by just 10% the efficiency of the Contact Center will trigger a huge benefit for the customer and even more in case of larger Contact Centers.

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Artificial Intelligence BOT

But what do we mean by 10% optimization?

Quite often that means an Artificial Intelligence BOT is able to successfully handle 10% of the incoming calls/chats, from beginning to end, without engaging the agent and therefore improving the scalability of the Contact Center or giving back time to agents to deal with the most complex cases. This approach requires building a BOT able to successfully manage the entire conversation with the customer and therefore potentially sophisticated, even complex so the first approach to Artificial Intelligence I advise is a different one.

In the vast majority of cases the first part, let’s say at least 10%-20% of the time, of a call to a Contact Center, is about data collection, name, the reason for calling, service id, etc. and this is something highly repetitive, a dialog very structured and therefore much easier to automate with a simple BOT just meant to collect the DATA.

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Once all the necessary inputs are collected saving 10-20% of the agent time, the BOT can hand over the most complex part of the call to the agent passing those DATA and the CONTEXT so that the agent can move forward from there.

Artificial Intelligence Use Case and Solution

Together with Marco, in the below video, we offer an example of the SALES and TECHNICAL journey to skyrocket business efficiency in a Cisco Contact Center Enterprise solution with Google Artificial Intelligence DialogFlow platform.

We cover both sales and technical aspects, connecting the dots, helping account managers to scout opportunities, and engineers to design solutions.

The first half is about the use case and the incredible business value of the solution offered by combining the best of both worlds, while in the second part we go through the technical details of the solution.

Monday 27 April 2020

Trustworthy Networking is Not Just Technological, It’s Cultural

Part 1: The Technology of Trust

Trustworthy Networks Are More Important Than Ever

It wasn’t that long ago that most enterprise resources resided in heavily-protected on-premises data centers surrounded by vigilant layers of security. Trust was placed in securing the computing environment itself—the physically isolated data center that only trained and vetted personnel could physically access and the network that strictly controlled connections from enterprise endpoints.

Now all the physical and virtual security layers built into data centers that we relied for years have changed. Data “centers” are wherever the data and applications are located—in public clouds, SaaS providers, branch sites, and edge compute and storage. Every employee uses mobile devices—some of which are personally owned—for accessing and manipulating corporate resources. Virtualized workloads move among cloud or IaaS providers to improve responsiveness to a workforce in constant motion. Branch sites quickly need new direct internet connections to work with cloud applications. Global black swan events cause enormous shifts as whole populations rapidly move to working remotely. The attack surface has grown exponentially, literally overnight.

Another evolutionary and significant change in the attack surface results from transformations in the basic architecture of router and switch hardware. Just a decade or so ago, most routers and switches that formed the foundation of corporate and world-wide networks were built with proprietary silicon, hardware, and specialized operating systems. Back then, hackers were content to focus on the population of billions of x86-based and Windows-operating PCs and Linux servers, taking advantage of the same vulnerabilities and exploitive toolsets to invade and infect them. They largely ignored routers and switches because they required specialized tools to attack vendor-specific vulnerabilities—too much work for threat actors with such a target-rich environment of x86 machines to troll.

Hackers Turn to the Network for Access

But the choice of targets changed as hackers increasingly turned their attention to attacking enterprise data sources spread over distributed data centers, cloud platforms, and a mobile workforce. The opportunity for attacks became more prevalent as routers and switches gradually standardized on commodity hardware, Linux, and modules of open source code. Some enterprises and cloud providers are even trying white box and bare metal boxes to shave a few dollars off data center networking CAPEX. However, it’s the shared x86 and ARM code, Linux, and open source code that draws the attention of hackers, providing a potential foothold into corporate data-rich networks. By focusing on gaining access to network devices through common attack routes, malevolent hackers may be able to steal security keys and IP addresses among other sensitive data, opening more pathways into the network and the treasure-troves of corporate data. This attack vector can be particularly insidious when open source code that is integrated into the Network Operating System has Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) that go unpatched, offering hackers convenient documented doorways.

Own Networking Devices, Own the Traffic.

As network components became a more attractive target for hackers and nation-state spies looking for access to corporate resources, the sophistication of attacks increases to not only gain control over routers, but to hide the evidence of infiltration. One particular advancement is the development of persistent malware that can survive hard resets because the malicious code alters the BIOS or even the lower level boot loaders to gain control of the root. Without built-in protection at the hardware root layer that prevents altered low-level code from loading and infecting the entire OS, detecting and eliminating these persistent malware infections is next to impossible. An infected networking device—router, switch, access point, firewall—becomes an open gateway to all the network traffic.

With the multitude of dangers constantly testing the gateways of networks, there should be no such concept of “implicit trust”. At the core of the defensive network is the principle of proven trustworthy hardware and software working in conjunction to protect network devices from attack. By building on a foundation of trustworthy networking components and secure software, the connected sources of data and applications distributed through cloud services, branch sites, and a mobile workforce are also protected.

What are the fundamentals of building trusted network systems and what should CIOs and CSOs be asking of their vendors?

What CIOs and CSOs Need to Ask About Trustworthiness

It’s interesting to examine the paradox of enterprise CIOs and CSOs insisting that the hardware and operating systems of data center components are verifiably trustworthy while relying on a network fabric based on commodity components. To secure critical data and application resources, trust must permeate the hardware and software that run networks from the data center to campus to branch and cloud. Needless to say, that covers a very large territory of intertwined components, each of which must reinforce the trustworthiness of the complete network. Some of the major points to research when selecting network vendors and choosing components are:

◉ Is the network hardware authentic and genuine?
◉ What is the origin of all the software installed, including BIOS and open source modules?
◉ Have components or installed software been modified while the unit was in transit from manufacturing to customer?
◉ Are network devices running authentic code from the vendor?
◉ Are there any known CVEs with the software, including any open source modules?
◉ Are software and security patches available and applied?
◉ Is enterprise sensitive information, such as encryption keys, stored on network devices protected?

To ensure trust in a network, security-focused processes and technologies must be built into the hardware and software across the full lifecycle of solutions. That high level of engineering and supply chain control is very difficult to accomplish on low-margin, bare metal hardware. If the choice comes down to savings from slightly less costly hardware versus increase in risk, it’s worthwhile remembering the average cost of a single stolen record from security breaches is $155 (in the U.S.), while the cost of the loss of customer trust and theft of intellectual property is incalculable.

Building a Chain of Trust

A Chain of Trust should be built-in, starting with the design, sourcing of parts, and construction phase of both hardware and root-level software. It continues throughout the Secure Development Lifecycle (SDL), all the way to end of life for secure disposal of routers and switches, which can have sensitive data still stored in memory.

Security Embedded in Hardware

Hardware engineers must have an overriding mindset of security starting from sourcing of parts from reliable and certified manufacturers; designing secure boot strategies using Secure Unique Device Identifiers (SUDI) embedded in Trust Anchor modules (TAm); and Root of Trust tamper-resistant chips for secure generation and storage of cryptographic key pairs.

The SUDI is an X.509v3 certificate with an associated key-pair protected in hardware. The SUDI certificate contains the product identifier and serial number and is rooted to the Cisco Public Key Infrastructure. This identity can be either RSA- or ECDSA-based. The key pair and the SUDI certificate are inserted into the TAm during manufacturing so that the private key cannot be exported. The SUDI provides an immutable identity for the router or switch that is used to verify that the device is a genuine product. The result is hardware that can be verified as authentic and untainted, maximizing the security of the traffic flowing through the network.

Secure Software Development Lifecycle

Software developers must strictly follow Secure Development Lifecycle guidelines for coding the network operating systems with a combination of tools, processes, and awareness training that provides a holistic approach to product resiliency and establishes a culture of security awareness. From a trust perspective, the SDL development process includes:

◉ Product security requirements
◉ Management of third-party software, including open source code
◉ Secure design processes
◉ Secure coding practices and common libraries
◉ Static analysis
◉ Vulnerability testing

Security and Vulnerability Audits provide assurance that as problems are uncovered during the software development and testing cycles, they cannot be ignored. Ideally, the audit team reports not to engineering management but to the office of CSO or CEO to ensure that problems are completely fixed or the release red-lighted until they are remediated. This is an example of a culture of trust that permeates across functional departments all the way to the C-level—all in service of protecting the customer.

Download Verified Software Directly to Customer Controllers

Once trust is established for the development and release of networking software, the next step is to ensure that the software images delivered to customers’ controllers are original and untainted. To make a downloadable image trustworthy, it can be protected with a hash created with SHA-512, encrypted with a private key, and combined with the software image as a digital signature package. That image is downloaded directly to customers’ network controllers. The controllers use a matching public key to decrypt the digitally-signed hash and image package to verify nothing has been altered from the original image. Only software images that pass this critical test can be loaded on devices, preventing any malicious code from booting on a controller, router, or switch. This step ensures that only the vendor’s approved and unaltered code is running on network devices.

Reporting on CVEs Is Only One Way to Measure Solution Maturity

As previously discussed, open source and third-party code and APIs are commonly integrated into all modern network operating systems. Likewise, the core OS for network devices is commonly based on open source Linux kernels. All of these externally-developed code modules need to be certified by their creators and tested by neutral third-party organizations as well as the ultimate end-use vendor. As the number of products, software packages, and connected devices in networks continue to rise, it’s inevitable that more security vulnerabilities will also increase. Ironically perhaps, one reason for the increase in Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) is that the industry is getting better at finding and reporting them.

To ensure trustworthy networking, vendors must commit to Coordinated Disclosure, starting with a system for tracking every piece of open source and third-party code incorporated into network products. In addition, every CVE discovered either internally or externally needs to be tracked and fixed by a responsible entity in the trusted value chain of partners and suppliers. Customers, partners, and researchers need to be consistently notified of every recently discovered and fixed CVE and the potential for risk. Transparency improves customer security. That’s why at Cisco we report and provide fixes for CVEs that are found by our own internal testing, our customers, and third-party researchers.

A Third-Party Software Digitization (TPSD) program is another example of a corporate-wide initiative for managing third party software—including royalty bearing commercial software as well as free and open source software. The system automates the tracking and tracing of “Where Used, Where Is, Where Distributed” for compliance, contributions, security, quality, and customer accountability. A TPSD ensures that when a CVE is uncovered in open source or third-party code, the exact usage of the code is immediately known so that fixes can be applied in every instance.

As with the Security and Vulnerability Audit team, a Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) that is independent from engineering is critical to keeping an unbiased watchful eye on all internally and externally developed code. PSIRT members continuously monitor open source and third-party code used in NOSs for reported CVEs. In addition, customers and researchers need a documented method of reporting to PSIRTs any CVEs that they discover. In turn, vendors need a transparent process for reporting on fixes and patches and level of severity back to customers, partners, and security researchers.

An important way to collaborate with industry peers on CVEs is through the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST) organization, which authors the PSIRT Framework. The Framework identifies core responsibilities of PSIRT teams, provides guidance on how to build capabilities to investigate and disclose security vulnerabilities and their remediations to customers in a transparent manner. As you consider the trustworthiness of your networking ecosystem, it’s worthwhile considering your vendors involvement with organizations like FIRST and the Industry Consortium for Advancement of Security on the Internet (ICASI)—which are strong indicators of a fundamental commitment to transparency.

Building in Trust Throughout the Product Lifecycle

All the processes and capabilities I have described in this post are integrated into Cisco’s hardware and software development processes. Cisco embeds security and resilience throughout the lifecycle of our solutions including design, test, manufacturing, distribution, support, and end of life. We design our solutions with built-in trustworthy technologies to enhance security and provide verification of the authenticity and integrity of Cisco hardware and software. We use a secure development lifecycle to make security a primary design consideration—never an afterthought. And we work with our partner ecosystem to implement a comprehensive Value Chain Security program to mitigate supply chain risks such as counterfeit and taint.

Sunday 26 April 2020

Architecting Work-from-Home Solutions that Scale

The need for people to work from home challenges us to come up with new solutions that scale. One of these solutions involved the enablement of static IPs for VPN connections for individual users.

But why would anyone want to do that?

The Problem

It turns out that for years, India has had a strict no VoIP (Voice over IP) policy when using VPN law. This law only came to light when the head honcho, Chuck Robbins, encouraged all Cisco employees to work from home. In the past, our call center employees were not allowed to work from home because they were not allowed to use VoIP over VPN; but desperate times call for desperate measures.

With Cisco at the head, a bunch of tech companies sat down with India’s government and came up with an exception allowing VoIP over VPN as long as each employee was given the same IP upon connection along with a record provided to the DoT (Department of Telecommunications) of each employee’s work address. With the exception in place, that left us to come up with a solution.

The Solution

Conventionally, IP addresses are assigned through an IP address pool, which gives users the first available IP address from a range.

Take for example if I select a site within AnyConnect, e.g. “Headquarters” and click “Connect”. Within the AnyConnect client is an XML file that directly maps the site, “Headquarters”, to the URL, “”. This URL can be broken down into two parts: the device address, “”, and path, “default” which maps to the tunnel-group “Default_Tunnel_Group”. Within the VPN headend configuration is a line that says the address pool for the tunnel-group “Default_Tunnel_Group” is or a “/24”. I am then assigned the first unallocated IP address in that range, in this case let’s say “”, which becomes my IP address within the Cisco network. However, if I disconnect and then reconnect, I will then be assigned a new IP address from the above range.

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The size of the IP address pool, the number of users connecting to a site, and the number of VPN headend devices (each with a unique address pool) in a cluster for a site, are all factors which make the likelihood of being assigned the same IP address upon connection extremely remote.

Example configuration of an IP address pool and tunnel group:

ip local pool DEFAULT_EMPLOYEE_POOL mask 

tunnel-group Default_Tunnel_Group type remote-access 
tunnel-group Default_Tunnel_Group general-attributes 
 default-group-policy Default_Group_Policy 
tunnel-group Default_Tunnel_Group webvpn-attributes 
 group-url enable 

Our first approach to assigning static IPs was a solution that came up in forums from years past, which was to create a local user account on the ASA, and from there statically assign an IP for that specific user; however, this would require a static password stored on the ASA. And although encrypted, we knew our friends in InfoSec would have an absolute fit over that one. As a long shot, we attempted to authenticate a local user account with no static password against our AAA servers, but this attempt ultimately failed.

Our second attempt was to look at how we could use ISE (Identity Services Engine) in this scenario. ISE handles all of our authorization requests in the corporate network, whether remote or on-site, and it made sense to use it given we were mapping static IPs to users. With ISE we encountered two problems: first, ISE does not proxy all information given by RADIUS servers back to the VPN headends, so it was not a viable solution in our partner network where we rely on RADIUS groups to handle ACLs and second, there were concerns over how to complete this at scale – manually creating over 7,000 policies in ISE would take a serious effort both in people and time and we’d be sailing uncharted waters since it had never been tested for this type of scenario.

Our third approach was to use Active Directory in place of ISE for the IP address mapping. However, we once again faced the issue of resourcing to create 7,000 entries manually as well as the unknown strain we would be putting on the system.

Sometimes the best solution is the simplest, and after hours of trying fancy group manipulations with ISE and attempting to get it to pass RADIUS group information; we settled on one of the first ideas that came up while brainstorming and one we knew should work, a unique tunnel group and address pool of one IP for each user.

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The solution can best be summarized by taking me, username “drew”, as an example of a user that needs a statically assigned IP address. By taking the “/24” from before with the IP range of, we designate the IP address to be my statically assigned IP address. We declare an address pool of just this one IP address, which is now a “/32”. We assign this address pool to the tunnel group “drew”, with the URL “”.

Example configuration of a static IP address pool and tunnel group:

ip local pool drew mask 

tunnel-group drew type remote-access 
tunnel-group drew general-attributes 
 address-pool drew 
 default-group-policy Default_Group_Policy 
tunnel-group drew webvpn-attributes 
 group-url enable 

After the successful testing and implementation of the above configuration (which used automation detailed below), questions rose throughout our team like wildfire (and to the credit of our customers, they have also had similar questions along these lines). The solution seems hacky to say the least. What are the security implications and very importantly, will it scale? We’re talking about a solution that has to work for thousands of Cisco call center employees in India (a number which has approached 7,000 as of today).

Here are some of the most notable questions:

1. How many tunnel groups (and thus users) can you have on each VPN headend?

Cisco ASA documentation states that the number of tunnel groups that can be configured is equivalent to the maximum number of VPN connections it can support. In our case we are using ASA 5585-SSP60s, which support 10,000 connections and thus can be configured with 10,000 tunnel groups.

2. Does the addition of such a large amount of tunnel groups increase overhead on the ASA and thus decrease performance?

The ASA uses a hash map for its tunnel groups (constant time lookup), so although there is memory used for the additional tunnel groups, this memory is constant and pales in comparison to the memory used for an ASA’s normal duties of encrypting/decrypting traffic.


With our nerves slightly calmed about the number of tunnel groups we had just deployed to the VPN headend, we had some homework left to do. Because we’re Cisco, a solution is not complete without security, and DAP (dynamic access policies) on VPN headends is one of our core lines of defense. By keeping all tunnel groups under the same blanket group policy, we were able to maintain our standard DAP checks: such as verifying AnyConnect Client and operating system versions as well as other obscure policies such as AnyConnect session timeouts and FQDN split tunneling.

The last item was ensuring the static IP tunnel groups we had just created were used exclusively by the employees for which they were intended, and that employees who were supposed to be using these static IPs were not connecting to our regular corporate VPN headends and getting dynamically assigned IPs. To ensure the employee who was supposed to be connecting to a tunnel group was the only one successful, we applied a LUA script through DAP to the blanket group policy.

EVAL(, "EQ", 

Essentially this checks the username authenticating is the same as the name of the tunnel group, which is purposely the same as the user’s username, preventing the user “damien” from connecting to my tunnel group, “drew”, and from using my static IP of To secure employees were exclusively connecting to their assigned static IP tunnels, we used ISE to block all call center employees from connecting to our corporate VPN headends by denying the authorization of users in an Active Directory (AD) group to those sites.

Automation and Management

You can find the code in DevNet Code Exchange that we used to generate the ASA configuration for the thousands of tunnel groups and static IPs we needed. It uses simple string interpolation along with a text file of users. In addition to generating the tunnel groups, the functions provided also help you tear down these tunnel groups for easier clean up.

The intent of these functions is not meant to be a full-blown solution, but to provide you with the building blocks to make one.

The solution we created was not as elegant as we would have liked, however with automation we can change that. Using these configuration generation functions along with our favorite network configuration tools, such as NSO (Network Service Orchestrator) – or Ansible, Paramiko, etc. – we can create templates to automate the deployment of this configuration to the VPN headend.

Taking things a step further, we can build on top of these network configuration tools with an application to manage these tunnel groups paired with a database of the users and their statically assigned IPs. Thus, when you want to add or remove a user, the application does the allocation or deallocation of IPs for you without having to trove through thousands of lines of configuration.

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In regard to the Walk-Run-Fly journey it presents, we see our solution as being in the “Run” state. We welcome and encourage use and enhancements from the community to achieve “Fly” status.

Closing Thoughts

It has now been over a month since we deployed our static IP solution for call center employees, and for the most part, things have been relatively smooth for such an adhoc implementation. This is not to say we have not faced issues since then. However, we have continued to work on improvements, such as adding redundancy to our call center VPN headend using an active failover configuration.

With all that being said, I cannot stress enough how much automation saved us in this hacky situation and continues to make things simple through the management of these static IP tunnels.

Saturday 25 April 2020

Cisco Helps Competitive Carriers Deliver 5G Service Agility

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5G promises revolutionary new consumer experiences and lucrative new business-to-business (B2B) services that were never possible before: wireless SD-WANs, private 5G networks, new edge computing cases, and many others. Actually delivering these groundbreaking services, however, will require much more than just new 5G radio technology at cell sites. It will take very different capabilities, and a different kind of network, then most service providers have in place today.

Ultimately, you need a “service-centric” network—one that provides the flexibility and control to build differentiated services, rapidly deliver them to customers, and manage them end-to-end—across both wireless and wireline domains. What does a service-centric network look like? And what’s the best way to get there from where you are today? Let’s take a closer look.

Building a Service-Centric Network

Viewing the media coverage around 5G, you might think the revolution begins and ends with updating the radio access network (RAN). But that’s just one piece of the puzzle. Next-generation services will take advantage of the improved bandwidth and density of 5G technology, but it’s not new radios, or even 5G packet cores, that make them possible. Rather, they’re enabled by the ability to create custom virtual networks tuned to the needs of the services running across them. That’s what a service-centric network is all about.

When you can tailor traffic handling end-to-end on a per-flow basis, you can deliver all manner of differentiated services over the same infrastructure. And, when you have the end-to-end automation that service-centric networks imply, you can do it much more efficiently. Those capabilities go much deeper than the radios at your cell sites. Sure, adding 5G radios will improve last-mile speeds for your customers. But if you’re not evolving your end-to-end infrastructure towards service-centric principles, you won’t be able to deliver net-new services—or tap new B2B revenue streams.

Today, Cisco is helping operators of all sizes navigate this journey. We’re providing essential 5G technologies to help service providers like T-Mobile transform their networks and services. (In fact, Cisco is providing the foundational technology for T-Mobile’s non-standalone and standalone 5G architecture strategy.) At the same time, we’re building on our legacy as the leader in IP networking to unlock new transport, traffic handling, and automation capabilities. At the highest level, this evolution entails:

1. Implementing next-generation IP-based traffic handling

2. Extending IP all the way to endpoints

3. Laying the foundation for end-to-end automation

Optimizing Traffic Management

As the first step in building a service-centric network, you should be looking to further the migration of all network connections to IP and, eventually, IPv6. This is critical because IP networks, combined with technologies such as MPLS, enable multi-service networks with differentiated traffic policies. Without advanced traffic management, you can’t provision, monitor, and assure next-generation services under service-level agreements (SLAs), which means you can’t tap into lucrative consumer and business service revenue opportunities.

Today, most operators manage traffic via MPLS. Although MPLS has been highly effective at enabling traffic differentiation, it has complexity issues that can impede the scale and automation of tomorrow’s networks. Fortunately, there’s another option: segment routing. Segment routing offers a much simpler way to control traffic handling and policy on IP networks. And, by allowing you to programmatically define the paths individual services take through the network, it enables much more efficient transport.

Many operators have deployed segment routing and are evolving their networks today. You can start now even in “brownfield” environments. Cisco is helping operators implement SR-MPLS in a way that coexists with current architectures, and even interoperates with standards-based legacy solutions from other vendors. Once that foundation is in place, it becomes much easier to migrate to full IPv6-based segment routing (SRv6) in the future.

Extending IP

As you are implementing segment routing, you should go one step further and extend these new service differentiation capabilities as close to the customer as possible. This is a natural progression of what operators have been doing for years: shifting almost all traffic to IP to deliver it more effectively.

Using segment routing in your backhaul rather than Layer-2 forwarding allows you to use uniform traffic management everywhere. Otherwise, you would have to do a policy translation every time a service touches the network. Now, everything uses segment routing end to end, instead of requiring different management approaches for different domains. You can uniformly differentiate traffic based on needs, applications, even security, and directly implement customer SLAs into network policy. All of a sudden, the effort required to manage services and integrate the RAN with the MPLS core is much simpler.

The other big benefit of moving away from Layer-2 forwarding: a huge RAN capacity boost. Layer-2 architectures must be loop-free, which means half the paths coming off a radio node—half your potential capacity—are always blocked. With segment routing, you can use all paths and immediately double your RAN bandwidth.

Building Automation

As you progress in building out your service-centric network, you’re going to be delivering many more services. And you’ll need to manage more diverse traffic flows with improved scale, speed, and efficiency. You can’t do that if you’re still relying on slow, error-prone manual processes to manage and assure services. You’ll need to automate.

Cisco is helping service providers of all sizes lay the foundation for end-to-end automation in existing multivendor networks. That doesn’t have to mean a massive technology overhaul either, with a massive price tag to go with it. You can take pragmatic steps towards automation that deliver immediate benefits while laying the groundwork for much simpler, faster, more cost-effective models in the future.

Get the Value You Expect from 5G Investments

The story around 5G isn’t fiction. This really is a profound industry change. It really will transform the services and revenue models you can bring to the market. But some things are just as true as they always were: You don’t generate revenues from new radio capabilities, you generate them from the services you can deliver across IP transport.

What’s new is your ability to use next-generation traffic handling to create services that are truly differentiated. That’s what the world’s largest service providers are building right now, and it’s where the rest of the industry needs to go if they want to compete and thrive.

Let Cisco help you build a service-centric network to capitalize on the 5G revolution and radically improve the efficiency, scalability, and total cost of ownership of your network.

Friday 24 April 2020

Why Cisco ACI with HashiCorp Terraform really matters

Cisco ACI, Cisco Learning, Cisco Tutorial and Material, Cisco Exam Prep


As organizations move to the cloud to prioritize application delivery, they find that they need to shift their approach to infrastructure from “static” to “dynamic”. Some of the challenges they face include having to work in multiple environments, with varying volume and distribution services. In many organizations, the cloud operating model is forcing  IT to shift from manual workflows to infrastructure as code (IAC) automation and switching processes from ticketing workflows for IT to workflows with self-service IT. In this blog, let us take a tour de force of how Cisco and Terraform have joined hands to address these challenges and help customers in their mission to gain business agility with infrastructure automation as their core strategy.

Terraform and Cisco ACI – A win-win joint solution for Infrastructure as Code deployments

IAC is an innovative approach to building application and software infrastructure with code, and customers deploying applications in cloud clearly are seeing the payoff. Though for many, full adoption of IAC is still elusive given the expertise required to navigate infrastructure complexity. And this is the ideal ground for Terraform to come to the rescue. Terraform brings software best practices such as versioning, test practices and many more to make it a powerful tool to create and destroy infrastructure components on the fly”. Terraform obviates the need for separate config. managers typically required in traditional IAC approaches and instead handles such tasks on its own behind the scene. Likewise, Cisco ACI a network platform built on SDN principles, enhances business agility, reduces TCO, automates IT tasks, and accelerates data center application deployments. Cisco ACI and Terraform provide a perfect combination enabling customers to embrace the DevOps model and accelerate ACI Deployment, Monitoring, day-to-day management, and more.

Cisco ACI – Terraform Solution architecture

Terraform manages both existing, popular services and custom in-house solutions, offering over 100 providers. With a vision to address some of the challenges listed earlier, especially in multi-cloud networking, Cisco and HashiCorp have worked together to deliver the ACI Provider for Terraform, using Terraform’s plugin extensibility. Cisco ACI Provider supports more than 90+ resources and datasources.

Terraform provides its users a simple workflow to install and get started with. With Terraform installed, let’s dive right into it and start creating some configuration intent on Cisco ACI. See diagram below for an illustration of the workflow steps.

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Key Benefits of Terraform-ACI solution

Some of the key benefits Cisco ACI and HashiCorp Terraform brings are the following

1. Define infrastructure as code and manage the full lifecycle. Create new resources, manage existing ones, and destroy those no longer needed.

2. Terraform provides an elegant user experience for operators to safely and predictably make changes to infrastructure.

3. Terraform makes it easy to re-use configurations for similar infrastructure, helping avoid mistakes and save time.