Thursday 25 November 2021

Accelerating Analytics Workloads with Cloudera, NVIDIA, and Cisco

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As today’s leading companies utilize artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) to discover insights hidden in massive amounts of data, many are realizing the benefits of deploying in a hybrid or private cloud environment, rather than a public cloud. This is especially true for use cases with data sets larger than 2 TB or with specific compliance requirements.

In response, Cisco, Cloudera, and NVIDIA have partnered to deliver an on-premises big data solution that integrates Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) with NVIDIA GPUs running on the Cisco Data Intelligence Platform (CDIP).

Cisco Data Intelligence Platform: a journey to hybrid cloud

The CDIP is a thoughtfully designed private cloud that supports data lake requirements. CDIP as a private cloud is based on the new Cisco UCS M6 family of servers that support NVIDIA GPUs and third-generation Intel Xeon Scalable family processors with PCIe fourth-generation capabilities.

CDIP supports data-intensive workloads on the CDP Private Cloud Base. The CDP Private Cloud Base provides storage and supports traditional data lake environments, including Apache Ozone (a next-generation file system for data lake).

◉ CDIP built with the Cisco UCS C240 M6 Server for storage (Apache Ozone and HDFS), which supports CDP Private Cloud Base, extends the capabilities of the Cisco UCS rack server portfolio with third-generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors. It supports more than 43 percent more cores per socket and 33 percent more memory than the previous generation.

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CDIP also supports compute-rich (AI/ML) and compute-intensive workloads with CDP Private Cloud Experiences—all while providing storage consolidation with Apache Ozone on the Cisco UCS infrastructure. The CDP Private Cloud Experiences provide different experience- or persona-based processing of workloads—data analyst, data scientist, and data engineer, for example—for data stored in the CDP Private Cloud Base.

◉ CDIP built with the Cisco UCS X-Series for CDP Private Cloud Experiences is a modular system that is adaptable and future-ready, meeting the needs of modern applications. The solution improves operational efficiency and agility at scale.

This CDIP solution is fully managed through Cisco Intersight. Cisco Intersight simplifies hybrid cloud management, and, among other things, moves server management from the network into the cloud.

Cisco also provides multiple Cisco Validated Designs (CVDs), which are available to assist in deploying this private cloud big data solution.

Integrating a big data solution to tackle AI/ML workloads

Increasingly, market-leading companies are recognizing the true transformational potential of AI/ML trained by their data. Data scientists are utilizing data sets on a magnitude and scale never seen before, implementing use cases such as transforming supply chain models, responding to increased levels of fraud, predicting customer churn, and developing new product lines. To be successful, data scientists need the tools and underlying processing power to train, evaluate, iterate, and retrain their models to obtain highly accurate results.

On the software side of such a solution, many data scientists and engineers rely on the CDP to create and manage secure data lakes and provide the machine learning-derived services needed to tackle the most common and important analytics workloads.

But to deploy the solution built with the CDP, IT also needs to decide where the underlying processing power and storage should reside. If processing power is too slow, the utility of the insights derived can diminish greatly. On the other hand, if costs are too high, the work is at risk of being cost-prohibitive and not funded at the outset.

Data set size a major consideration for big data AI/ML deployments

The sheer size of the data to be processed and analyzed has a direct impact on the cost and speed at which companies can train and operate their AI/ML models. Data set size can also heavily influence where to deploy infrastructure—whether in a public, private, or hybrid cloud.

Consider an autonomous driving use case for example. Working with a major automobile manufacturer, the Cisco Data Intelligence Platform ran a proof of concept (POC) that collects data from approximately 150 cars. Each car generates about 2 TB of data per hour, which collectively adds up to some 2 PB of data ingested every day and stored in the company’s data lake. The cost to move this data into a public cloud would be staggering, and, therefore, an on-premises, private cloud option makes more financial sense.

Furthermore, this data lake contains about 50 PB of hot data that is stored for a month and hundreds of petabytes of cold data that must also be stored.

Considering infrastructure performance

In addition, the performance of the underlying infrastructure in many AI/ML deployments matters. In our autonomous driving use case example, the POC requirement is to run more than a million and a half simulations each day. To provide enough compute performance to meet this requirement takes a combination of general-purpose CPU and GPU acceleration.

To meet this requirement, CDIP begins with top-of-the-line performance, as illustrated through TPC-xHS benchmarks. In addition, CDIP is available with integrated NVIDIA GPUs, delivering a GPU-accelerated data center to power the most demanding CDP workloads. To meet the performance requirements of this POC, 50,000 cores and accelerated compute nodes were utilized, provided by the CDIP solution deploying Cisco UCS rack servers.


Tuesday 23 November 2021

Improving Application Experience with Deep Network Visibility

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In the not-too-distant past, everything in the application and networking stack was under IT’s control. Workloads lived securely in the on-premises data center—people sat in their campus offices connected to the secure wireless network, and an MPLS service with an SLA connected branch offices to the data center and each other.

Today, workforce productivity depends on cloud and SaaS applications that often rely on the public cloud infrastructure, which in turn depends on the internet as part or all the WAN connectivity. The internet paths depend on a multitude of ISPs, CDNs and advanced network services. Hybrid and native clouds applications are mostly containerized, so performance can be affected by the communication paths among the microservices, both in the data center and cloud. The total application experience as perceived by the workforce is dependent on the performance of all the components of applications and network connections acting in concert. If one element falters, the whole experience can be impacted.

NetOps and DevOps need to understand the interdependencies among the component applications and tune the enterprise network and internet paths accordingly. A unifying view can only be provided by the network fabric that monitors and analyzes the full stack of interlacing components: from the foundational network data layer to the software-defined WAN to application containers in the cloud. With the workforce accessing applications from literally everywhere, all the time, IT requires pervasive, real-time monitoring of network, internet, and application performance with auto-healing capabilities. This is Deep Network Visibility, driven by software-defined controllers and network analytics that enable ​action, policy, and automation.

Visibility Begins with a Comprehensive Historical View

To improve application experience, IT needs tools to record, analyze, and report on network and application activity at a massive scale to build a deep historical data set against which to apply AI and Machine Reasoning tools. Hybrid and cloud applications consist of multiple micro-components connected by east-west traffic in the data center or cloud service. Continuous monitoring and analysis are needed to optimize application experience because many inter-application communication issues are transitory and difficult to replicate. Application performance needs to be recorded for machine analysis to determine recurring issues and root causes. Deep Network Visibility from the perspective of the application requires:

◉ Application experience as measured by ThousandEyes, NetFlow, and AppDynamics.

◉ Dependency graph to the underlying composite application services and infrastructures.

◉ Comprehensive availability and performance data on each of the supporting components such as composite application services, public cloud services, ISPs, networking devices, compute and storage infrastructure.

The irony of having mountains of telemetry and activity logs awaiting analysis by overworked IT teams is that there is too much noise in too much data for humans to deal with in a timely manner. When the volume of data is beyond human scale and below human sensitivity, machine reasoning (MR) can automate the analysis of trillions of bytes of switch and router telemetry, wireless radio fingerprints, and network access point interferences to uncover patterns in the chaos, and turn the findings into actionable insights and automated mitigation actions.

Automated Visibility with AI Network Analytics

To make full use of the deep historical and real-time data, IT can take advantage of an analytics software stack that can:

◉ Use purpose-built applications to augment human engineers in NetSecOps with Insights into network performance and security vulnerabilities.

◉ Leverage machine-speed analytics and knowledge-base Machine Reasoning Engine (MRE) to unburden NetSecOps from mundane monitoring tasks to focus on proactive digital transformation projects with DevOps.

◉ Achieve massive collection, storage, and analysis of diverse data lakes—collections of anonymized network and application telemetry based on volume, velocity, and variety of data to compare performance and security metrics.

For several decades, Cisco has been building a data lake of worldwide, anonymized customer telemetry in parallel with a knowledge-base of expert troubleshooting experience, both of which are available to machine reasoning algorithms under the command and control of Cisco DNA Center. With Cisco AI Network Analytics, NetOps can, for example, be forewarned of increases in Wi-Fi interference, network bottlenecks, uneven device onboarding times, and office traffic loads in the more traditional data center and campus network environments.

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Better Outcomes with Data and Automation

Visibility for cloud-based applications, however, needs a different approach as much of the application infrastructure is not under direct control of IT. Direct internet connections to clouds can be unreliable—especially for latency-sensitive applications—unless they are monitored and automatically tuned using cloud onramps.

Gaining deep visibility with Cisco Cloud OnRamps for each of the major cloud services—Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, and Google Cloud, as well as colocation, and SaaS platforms—provides the ability to monitor and set performance parameters that are automatically applied to maintain the proper quality of service based on the type of application and cloud provider. Paths are calculated by tracking characteristics including packet loss, latency, and jitter in the data plane tunnels among cloud workloads and edge devices. Cisco AppDynamics and ThousandEyes provide application layer visibility for inter-cloud and intra-cloud dynamics that enables NetOps and DevOps to monitor and identify factors affecting application experience.

Network Analytics + Software-Driven Controllers = Deep Network Visibility

Cisco AI Network Analytics working in conjunction with Software-Driven Controllers also enables Deep Network Visibility. Operational intents and security policies defined in software-driven controllers are compared with telemetry and operational anomalies detected by an MRE to automatically adjust operations or isolate rogue devices. Always-on AI Analytics watch over the distributed workforce and workloads at machine-speed, making automatic adjustments or sending alerts with suggested remediations to appropriate levels of IT personnel or to ITSM applications to log and kickoff trouble tickets. Over time, NetOps and DevOps can fine-tune application performance using a consistent flow of insights from analytics to adapt to changes in workloads, workforce, and workplace.

AI and MRE also provide customized recommendations on updates and patches for controllers. Upgrading controllers carries a certain risk given the complexity and many differences among existing network configurations. Knowing in advance what affect an update can have—and even if it applies to the existing configuration—can bring peace of mind to the process. Does a specific configuration warrant a patch if that issue is not relevant? If not, then there is no reason to force an update that is not required. Are controllers running an OS version with active PSIRT vulnerabilities? NetOps is alerted to put a higher priority on upgrading those specific controllers. Automation and visibility go hand in hand to make operation teams more efficient so they can spend time on more valuable tasks.

Deep Visibility Provides Operational Simplicity and Serviceability

Deep Network Visibility is the foundation of a network and security operating model that ensures application experience and trust. The ultimate outcome of attaining Deep Network Visibility is to make all the operations teams—NetOps, SecOps, DevOps and CloudOps—able to work together to raise the levels of serviceability across the application infrastructure. Automations that support Deep Network Visibility simplify operations by eliminating many of the time-consuming and tedious tasks of network monitoring and troubleshooting. I will address how Cisco DNA Center delivers specific capabilities for the four network personas in a future blog post.

At Cisco, we believe: “The more you can see, the more you can solve. The more you can solve, the more you can automate. And the more you can automate, the more resilient and agile your entire business becomes.” Automation with Deep Network Visibility is key to ensuring that application experience delivered to the workforce and customers meets or exceeds expectations.


Sunday 21 November 2021

Driving down IT OPEX with a Webex bot

Every IT organization strives for excellence by continuously driving down their operating expenses (OPEX) while providing the best-in-class experience to their user base. Several factors affect OPEX, such as increasing IT cases that require more resources to address recurring requests. Having a focused approach to reduce cases can significantly optimize on cost and improve the efficiency of IT Operations teams. One way that Cisco IT is driving down OPEX is by harnessing the power of automation.

By the end of September 2020, the number of service request cases to Management & Finance IT’s (M&F IT) Order Management (OM) Automation team in Cisco had been cut by half and operational costs reduced by one-third. The solution:  a self-help Webex bot called ‘OM-BOT’ that the OM Automation team created to assist with service request cases.

OM-BOT helps users answer queries without requiring any IT teams’ intervention. Below are some benefits of implementing OM-BOT:

◉ Avoided 140 IT cases per month

◉ Improved Mean Time to Resolution (MTTR): cases get created in the correct queue, reducing the time it takes to resolve cases

◉ Improved case routing: OM-BOT links user to the correct team to solve their cases

◉ Enhanced user experience: we meet with users weekly to discuss feedback, most of it positive

From January 2020 to September 2020, we, the OM IT Support Team, were receiving an average of 285 cases per month (see Figure 1). However, in the last six months, we’ve seen an average of 145 cases per month — a reduction of about 48.5 percent, most of which can be attributed to the usage of OM-BOT.

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Figure 1. The steady decline in service request cases under Order Management track in the last 2 years

Why did we build OM-BOT?

In early 2020, the OM Automation team realized that our incident case count per quarter was very high. When we investigated, we found that a lot of cases didn’t require IT fixes.  Users were seeking IT’s help to fetch data and information from the backend as it was not available in any of the tools or applications they used. We realized that we were spending a significant amount of time and resources in addressing non-technical related requests and we needed to get a little creative to solve this problem. We started exploring ideas on how to tackle it.

How did we build OM-BOT?

Around the same time, Cisco’s BotLite team were showcasing their new DIY No-code Low-code framework and toolkit with a rich GUI to create a bot with minimum technical expertise. BotLite leverages Cisco’s MindMeld and Webex and allows users to have human-like interaction with the bots they create through Natural Language Processing (NLP).

We saw this as a great opportunity to build our own bot to help answer user queries reported in service request cases. Our bot could easily connect to databases, pull the required information, and display it for the users in Webex. We formed a small, agile automation team of 3 members and identified the scenarios that caused the most confusion for users (See Figure 2). We set up a few sessions with the BotLite support team for their initial guidance on building a bot. It was pleasantly surprising to learn how simple and quick it was to create bot scenarios. After 4 sprint cycles, our first OM-Self Assist-BOT (now known as OM-BOT) was ready for our end users.

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Figure 2. A few of the common scenarios configured in the BOT

Did we face any challenges?

Once our bot was ready, our major challenge was end user adoption. Initially, not many users were aware of the bot or how it could help them. We continued to see a spike in request case numbers, and we were still spending a lot of manual effort addressing these requests.

We set up a weekly connect call with the team that was raising about 90 percent of request cases. We started showcasing the bot to them, gave demos on how to interact with the bot, and shared the bot user manual. We discussed the 13 scenarios that we identified and how the bot could solve these scenarios.  The team realized the potential of OM-BOT and spread the word within their extended team. The bot was helping them to get the required details quickly and they did not have to spend time creating IT cases. It was a win-win for our teams! We started seeing results from October 2020 onward and service request cases declined.

Another challenge was more technical in nature. We had to connect to two databases (Oracle and MongoDB) to fetch the data, but the BotLite framework only allowed a connection to the Oracle database. Without data from both databases, the information we wanted to provide to users was incomplete.

To fetch the data from both databases, we leveraged the BotLite API feature. Our team built an API to connect to MongoDB. It’s able to fetch data, combine it with the result from the Oracle database, and then display the information in Webex in a human-readable format. If the requested data is large, we can provide the result in a downloadable spreadsheet.

What is the roadmap ahead for the bot?

We regularly collect and implement feedback from our end-users. We receive their enhancement requests, and they also notify us when they encounter issues with the bot.

Some bot usage metrics from 2021 include:

◉ Over 600 unique users from across the world interacted with OM-BOT
◉ More than 20,000 messages were sent
◉ OM-BOT is accurately answering users’ queries, with a 97 percent Hit Rate

In the future, we want to continue driving down opex by providing users with “self-healing” options. By this, we mean, if the bot identifies an issue, it can also guide the user on how to fix the issue with some simple clicks in Webex itself rather than creating IT cases. We want to give this option to users as it will help us in case avoidance and improve the time to resolve such issues for them — which is critical for teams when we are working during time-crunch situations, especially, during our Month-End and Quarter-End periods.

Key Takeaways

In the past, chatbots were a nice gimmick without any concrete benefit, but today they are an indispensable tool in the corporate world and really help drive down OPEX. Of course, developing and running a chatbot is a lot of work and requires a financial investment, but there are many good reasons to build and implement a bot. Our efforts in creating OM-BOT have not only achieved case and cost reductions, but has also ensured that as the OM IT Support Team, we are now able to provide a best-in-class experience to our users. The bot enables our IT support agents to focus more on addressing critical IT issues while the bot takes care of service requests. I think conversational AI is the way forward, now more than ever, for every IT organization.


Saturday 20 November 2021

What’s New in Cisco DNA Software: SD-WAN and Routing

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The enterprise networking business seems to always be in a state of flux. Entrants, features, solutions ebb and flow into and out of the market like tides at a beach in Florida. We know that you have come to trust Cisco as your enterprise networking partner and rely on us to ensure that the networking and security tools at your disposal are the sharpest and most fit for purpose in the market. In the spirit of continual improvement, and our goal of delighting our customers, we are happy to announce the following improvements to Cisco DNA Software for SD-WAN and Routing.

All good things come in three …

Cisco has made substantial changes to Cisco DNA Software for SD-WAN and Routing subscriptions all effective and implemented by the end of December 2021. The changes fall into three distinct areas: Cisco DNA for SD-WAN and Routing tier improvements, expanded bandwidth tiering, and right-pricing the Cisco DNA for SD-WAN and Routing Solution. We’ll discuss each of them in turn.

This section covers changes made to Cisco DNA Essentials for SD-WAN and Routing. Cisco is moving several features previously available in Cisco DNA Advantage down into Cisco DNA Essentials. Specifically, we have moved several Cloud Networking and Security features to Cisco DNA Essentials to enhance our SD-WAN and Routing entry-level offering for small and medium businesses, and to meet the needs of price-sensitive customers. Additionally, we have increased the VPN limitation in Cisco DNA Essentials to 4+1 (User/Management VPNs). The list and chart below speak to the feature additions in Cloud Networking and in Security to Cisco DNA Essentials for SD-WAN and Routing.

Cloud Networking functionality moving to Cisco DNA Essentials

◉ Essential Cloud OnRamp for IaaS, SaaS, and Colo

◉ Multicloud: GCP, AWS, Azure

Security functionality moving to Cisco DNA Essentials

◉ Cisco AMP with SSL proxy

◉ Basic URL filtering

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As you can see, no changes were made to the feature functionality of, or license quantities included with, Cisco DNA Premier for SD-WAN and Routing.

Bandwidth Expansion

We have two changes in this section. First off, we have expanded Bandwidth Tier availability to all Cisco’s SD-WAN capable device families. Customers purchasing Cisco ISR and Cisco ASR devices now have the ability to select bandwidth tiers instead of individual bandwidth levels. Secondly, Cisco has increased the nominal and aggregate bandwidth capacities of Tier 0 and Tier 1 bandwidth purchases. Please consult the below chart detailing those changes.

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We intend to slowly phase out the Discrete Bandwidth Level pricing construct in favor of the Tiered Bandwidth approach. You can assume that by the end of March, 2022, Tiered Bandwidth will be the only selection available.


Following the time-honored tradition of saving the best for last, pricing for Cisco DNA Essentials and Advantage for SD-WAN and Routing was given a once over and deemed lacking. Our analysis showed that price-sensitive customers were having difficulty aligning the cost of the subscription to the benefits of the subscription. The analysis also covered the competitive market and found there was room for improvement there as well. As a result, Cisco has revamped the subscription pricing for Cisco DNA software for SD-WAN and Routing, aligning the cost to the benefit and making Cisco much more competitive in the marketplace. The pricing adjustments will only be made to the Tiered Pricing option (Tiers 0/1/2/3), and not to the Discrete Bandwidth Level pricing. Pricing for Cisco DNA Premier for SD-WAN and Routing remains unchanged.

We won’t go into the grisly details here in this blog, but as a new subscriber, you will enjoy across the board list price reductions between 10% and 20% for Cisco DNA Essentials and Advantage subscriptions purchased in an Enterprise Agreement. If you’re looking at a la carte purchases, the list price reduction could be as high as 25%!


Thursday 18 November 2021

The Business Why’s of migration to Cisco DNA Center

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You have not seen or heard of Cisco DNA Center. While they have done an impressive job with Cisco DNA Center- the talk is often about the technical merits, intents and functions. As we talk of cross domain, I want to cross the domain from what Cisco DNA Center does to why you should move to the solution in terms of business outcomes and user experience.

Recently there has been a lot of talk about Prime Infrastructure to Cisco DNA Center migration. It is important to call-out that while Prime Infrastructure is a network management/monitoring tool, Cisco DNA Center is a platform that does so much more — helping companies accelerate their digital transformation by providing insights, automation, and security across their networks in new and innovative ways.

So why should we move our IT organization to Cisco DNA Center? Part of my answer is that if you want to continue to run IT as we did 10 to 15 years ago – Prime Infrastructure will suit you just fine. However, if you are in a business that is growing, actively working on its digital transformation, grappling with hybrid work, wanting to leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning, or overall want to be more efficient, then you should read on. 

Just as we see electric cars redefining transportation, Cisco DNA Center is redefining enterprise infrastructure software and network management. It is transforming infrastructure organizations across so many different use cases and personas including AIOPS, NETOPS, SECOPS, and DEVOPS which is no small endeavor.

In talking to various CIO’s and IT leaders, a common question comes up; “How do I turn IT into a competitive advantage for my organization?”. I interpret the question to be, “How do I use my IT infrastructure to drive business outcomes?” It is my belief that there are countless opportunities to differentiate depending on your industry sector.

My top 5 reasons why your organization would benefit from Cisco DNA Center:

Your Reputation 

Reputation is critical. An IT organization’s reputation comes from delivery of services and uptime. As network infrastructure has reached the status of utility – everyone expects to have the infrastructure up and running 24/7, anything less than that can hurt the organizational reputation. The fact that Cisco DNA Center can help prevent outages and drastically shorten Mean Time to Resolution (MTTR) directly contributes to reputation. At the University, we are proud of the reputation our IT department has established and it is in large part due to the success we have had with Cisco DNA Center.


Visibility; It is impossible to manage that which you can not see. As today’s infrastructure is everywhere, especially with the proliferation of wireless and IoT, visibility into the network with streaming telemetry enhances IT’s ability to monitor and manage the infrastructure. With AI/ML it enables visibility not possible before. As an innovative University IT, with Cisco DNA Center, we have gained tremendous new insights into the health of our entire network estate infrastructure previously not possible with Prime Infrastructure.


Automation and orchestration is something a lot of IT organizations talk about, but largely speaking, it is more commonly seen managing cloud applications, not network infrastructure. Cisco DNA Center helps with automation workflows which saves time, effort, and creates consistency across the infrastructure and can help eliminate operator errors, the leading cause of outages. The IT staff is so much happier not having to worry about making errors when doing high volume or highly repetitive tasks.

User Experience

User Experience is king – if your IT team does not have a way to measure and track the user experience, it is hard to deliver what you can’t measure. That being said, there are a plethora of different ways to track and measure wired and wireless user experience with Cisco DNA Center. Measuring user experience with Cisco DNA Center is a topic unto itself and warrants its own blog, so stay tuned for that. But so far, our student, faculty, and guest user experience has been dramatically improved since using Cisco DNA Center.

Proactive Management/Actions

Proactive Actions – The fact is that “IT” is a service organization and as we strive to perform service improvement – we make every effort to become more and more proactive. Cisco DNA Center has been able to redefine proactive AI/ML and the ability to identify early stages of failures and allow notification and intervention before it becomes a user-impacting event.

The Machine Reasoning Engine (MRE) is another capability that leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to automate complex network operation workflows. It is like having a 30-year Cisco veteran standing behind your shoulder when you are trying to solve a difficult problem by automatically troubleshooting the issues, identifying the most probable root cause, and providing the recommended corrective action. The MRE is powered by a cloud-hosted knowledge base, built by Cisco, and will progressively give you more and more options to not only automatically troubleshoot issues, but to automatically resolve and remediate them as well. 


Information/Cyber security is one of the holy grails of IT.  I am guessing many struggle with what is more important, user experience or information security. The good news is that they are complementary with Cisco DNA Center.  Cisco DNA Center can help keep the network in compliance with software, best practices, and security advisories. It can also provide visibility to the InfoSec department about the security posture of the infrastructure. To top the icing on the cake, Cisco DNA Center is also able to install hot patches on equipment with IOX-SE without system reloads. This is huge from the aspect that we can react quickly to security remediation when we can do it without having to take downtime.

I know I said top five – but it worked itself into a Top 6 list. The reality is that I can go on and on as with each new release of Cisco DNA Center, there are tons of new features, workflows and innovations added to the platform. Deploying Cisco DNA Center into an organization and realizing its full potential can take some time and effort – but it is super easy to get started and start seeing value right away. There is also an abundance of resources to help your organization achieve its goals and progressively add capabilities at the pace that makes sense to your organization. But rest assured, it will improve how your organization operates and functions and can really add significant business value across your business.

To that end, I wanted to conclude with some tangible business value and benefits that organizations can yield from Cisco DNA Center. As always your mileage may vary (YMMV) depending on your organization.

Ticket Resolution Time (MTTR metric)

◉ Wireless Issue investigation time reduced to minutes; estimated time reduction is 75% from using Prime for the same task.

◉ Ability to use Cisco DNA Center to restore configuration to/from switching hardware failures, reduced hardware recovery time by 50%.

◉ MRE (Machine Reasoning Engine) empowers more Junior-level staff to troubleshoot issues further reducing support costs by 30%.

Reduction in Tickets 

Within 90 days of activity using Cisco DNA Center assurance to optimize the network, we have seen:   

◉ 50% reduction in wireless trouble tickets

◉ Failure detection (power supplies, SFPs) enabling more proactive repair and eliminating troubleshooting through proactive management. 100% reduction for preventable failures from component failures.

Cost Savings/Operational Efficiency improvements

◉ Switch Software upgrades (SWIM) processes resulting in 75% reduction in engineering time, which also translates to 75% savings in labor hours.

◉ Overall team efficiency – with the Cisco DNA Center tools and automation, more Junior-level staff are now able to perform tasks (MRE, visibility), yielding 20% reduction in operations support costs through annual salary savings.

Business Confidence

◉ Sensor data from the 1800s provides a comprehensive view of measured user experience not previously possible.

◉ Security Assessment due to software version not previously automated. This not only reduces the effort but more importantly helps ensure security related compliance previously not attainable with existing staffing levels.


Tuesday 16 November 2021

Cisco Secure Cloud Insights is your Eye in the Sky

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In the world of cybersecurity where information holds the keys to the kingdom, there is no shortage of data generated by numerous security tools. However, there arguably remains a lack of information. Security professionals often refer to information as ‘Actionable Intelligence’ or ‘Context’. Those engaged in the trenches of cyber warfare would appreciate a more nuanced view which states that Context is the catalyst that converts Data into Intelligence. Context helps answer important questions such as How, What, Where, When and Who, but even more advanced questions such as So What and What Next, to get to the root cause and aid remediation. While context may be an easy concept to grasp, execution remains challenging.

With that context (pun intended) I am pleased to announce the launch of Cisco Secure Cloud Insights in partnership with JupiterOne. Secure Cloud Insights brings fresh and powerful capabilities to the SecureX portfolio, including comprehensive public cloud inventory and insights, relationship mapping to navigate cloud-based entities and access rights, and security compliance reporting. This new offering extends beyond traditional cloud security posture management and will enable Cisco’s security customers to effectively manage risk and reduce the attack surface of their cloud-native processes and applications.

Cisco has witnessed organizations on their digital transformation journeys grappling with IT sprawl and struggling to gain visibility into their cyber universe. Cloud Insights addresses this very pain-point by tracking and normalizing data across multi-cloud and hybrid environments. Cloud Insights provides a knowledge graph of consolidated metadata pertaining to configurations, access policies, settings, tags, rules, and more that govern interaction between entities. Entities encompass users, roles, groups, policies, databases, datastores, devices, code repositories, storage buckets (eg. AWS S3), cloud compute instances (eg. AWS EC2), containers, functions, etc. APIs ingest this data from approximately fifty pre-defined integrations covering public cloud environments, vulnerability scanners, endpoint protection and network security tools, development and code repositories, identity providers, and more. Custom integrations are also supported using SDKs and webhooks.

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Figure 1: Visualization of the graph database

While the graph database of mapped interactions is one of the key pillars of Cloud Insights, the other pillar is the ease with which this rich data can be queried. A simple plain language search maps to over 550 pre-built queries, with the option to create custom queries. Queries, singly or in combination, form the basis of all outcomes, be they alerts, summary dashboards, or compliance reports. By querying against this comprehensive relationship graph, tremendous opportunities and use cases become available. Cloud Insights uses this rich context to determine an organization’s security posture, including Cloud Security Posture Management, and reduces exposure by reporting compliance gaps, thereby promoting effective cyber governance and attack surface management.

With this introduction to Secure Cloud Insights, let us examine how the service fits in an organization’s security apparatus. We are experiencing a coming together of security outcomes that serve various stakeholders, be it Security Operations, Development Operations, Application Security, Cloud Architects, or Identity and Data protection processes.

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Figure 2: Interaction between various cloud-native security functions

While SecOps starts on the left with security posture and attack surface management as its entry point, DevOps start at the far right with continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline and application/API security as their main care about. As SecOps moves right and begins to influence the other stakeholders within a mature organization, DevOps shifts left to include pre-deploy checks by using runtime security inputs. Due to this evolution in operations, tooling is needed to provide end-to-end coverage, no matter who the buying center or user is in an organization. Cloud Insights is thus positioned to provide contextual visibility that encompasses and enhances observability across the entire organization.

It is for this reason that we have integrated Cloud Insights with Cisco’s security platform SecureX and intend to have it play a bigger role as a context wrapper for numerous other Cisco security services. Early research suggests force multiplier effects through interactions with SecureX’s Device Insights, and a symbiotic relationship with Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics (formerly Stealthwatch Cloud). While Secure Cloud Insights connects the dots, Secure Cloud Analytics baselines behavior by analyzing traffic flowing between those dots. Integrated together, they can surface relationship-based and anomaly-based threat vectors. Early interest has also been evinced by the market of this powerful duo’s interaction with other Cisco Secure properties such as Portshift and Kenna. With this partnership, Cisco has strengthened its position to serve our customers’ cloud native and hybrid IT security needs. It has also strengthened the Cloud component in Cisco’s SecureX Platform, as seen in the figure below.

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Figure 3: Inclusion of Cloud Insights to Cisco SecureX


Tuesday 9 November 2021

Introducing 400G in Access Network

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There have been a plethora of articles written on how this pandemic has transformed the way people go about their daily lives. And if there is one thing which everyone agrees is that the role of the Service Provider’s telecommunications network has never been more critical than it has been since the turn of the decade. The need for connecting more devices to the network, the insatiable demand for bandwidth, and the criticality of network reliability have created more expectations and also newer revenue opportunities for Service Providers. This requires Service Provider to re-look at their current network and transform them to provide a reliable and consistent user experience. The access and aggregation network of the service providers are at the cusp of this transformation and are challenged by increased capacity, low latency, ultra-reliability requirements driven by the transition from 1G to 10/25/100G. At Cisco, we have been relentlessly working on transforming the economics of moving the bits to build and run the infrastructure, in a secure and simplified way.

NCS 540 portfolio helps the customer in their transformation journey, with a myriad range of products meeting different capacity and interface requirements all the way ranging from 1G to 100G. As of writing this content in 2021, Cisco has sold over 100,000 devices in a short period of time. To recap the benefits of the NCS540 product family which has seen product launches in each of the years 2018/2019/2020/2021 :

◉ Hardened and ruggedized with transformed economics to move the bits

◉ Large number of interface port options from 100Mbps to 100G

◉ Stringent Timing and latency capabilities

◉ Secure, Reliable, and Carrier-Grade Operating System (IOS-XR)

◉ Application-aware network with Segment Routing

◉ Simplified Automation capability with Telemetry/Netconf Yang.

We are now accelerating the success of NCS 540, by introducing 400G to the access network with NCS 540 Large Density Router

Currently, there is a paradigm shift happening, with the convergence of IP and optical layer, which helps reducing complexity, allows operators to maximize the current fiber capacity, and offer more CAPEX and OPEX savings. The new architecture allows us to put the onus back on the router which helps in simplifying the management of the network. The density and form factor of optics have greatly reduced over time and with the evolution of digital coherent solution, a 400G optics can now directly reside in a router with zero density trade-off. So why does 400G be an option only for Core Networks even though we are seeing the router capacity increasing multifold at the access layer? Why not extend the benefit of the technology innovation all the way to access networks? Our new NCS 540 Large Density router has been designed keeping these innovations in mind.

Cisco has recently published a detailed whitepaper on the Economic Benefits of using Converged 400G IP Transport. With the launch of the NCS 540 Large Density router, we are extending the capability to scale to 400G.

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So, what is so unique about our Large Density Router? Built on merchant silicon ASIC, the large density router is now able to extend the 400G coherent technology all the way to the access network. The NCS 540 large density aligns with Cisco Routed Optical Networking Architecture, which relies on a single control plane based on IP/MPLS in a converged hop-to-hop IP and optical network. It is not just about 400G, the large density router also supports SFP56, which offers backward compatibility with SFP28/SFP+/SFP, using the same PAM4 technology used in 400G. All these technological innovations are offered in a 1RU temperature hardened form factor, and 299mm in depth, making it suitable for deployment as a cell-site router, pre-aggregation, or an aggregation router. The platform also offers tighter time and phase synchronization and high-accuracy clocking along with GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) capabilities needed for 5G networks.

Powered with Cisco IOS XR software, the NCS 540 Large Density router offers customers an end-to-end SDN-based solution that will enable a programmable network coupled with Cisco’s automation platform that utilizes real-time network telemetry for advanced traffic engineering and control. As operators are looking to upgrade their network for 5G and Broadband deployments, why not future proof it so that you can scale well beyond today’s capacity, performance requirement and offer lower TCO. NCS 540 Large Density router will help in this transition offering better simplification and operational efficiencies.
