Tuesday 31 October 2017

Miercom Proves: Cisco versus Huawei is No Contest

The three tests I want to focus on are:

1. Multi-Client, Multi-AP RRM Test
2. Voice and Video over Wi-Fi Test
3. Dataplane Encryption Test

Sunday 29 October 2017

Filling the Cybersecurity Professionals Gap – with Women

Due to the high-profile data breaches, cybersecurity has become a household word. Think back to just one month ago, when the data breach at Equifax exposed the personal information for 145.5 million consumers – almost half of all Americans.

At Cisco, we know our customers and other business leaders are increasingly aware of this important issue and are taking steps to make their organizations more secure, but there are a lot of obstacles on the road to being prepared. One of the biggest is finding trained and certified security personnel.

Friday 27 October 2017

Creating Capacity for Innovation

Large organizations have a challenge that start-ups don’t have. They have unintended complexity, duplication, old processes, and work that exists simply because it has always been done that way. Most executives of large organizations know they need to embrace Digital Transformation, but they don’t know where to begin. They have operational commitments and responsibilities to stakeholders or shareholders, and no excess operational expense to invest in innovation.

Thursday 26 October 2017

Securing the Campus

From student data and intellectual property, to reputation and grant funding…higher education institutions are at risk if cybersecurity is not a foundational element in their operations.

This fall, more than 20 million students returned to their college or university. Each student will walk on campus with at least three personal connected devices. At a university with roughly 40,000 students – that’s around 121,000 devices, not including all the sensors and devices across the campus that are school property. That’s 121,000+ opportunities for a security breach.

Wednesday 25 October 2017

Cisco Traffic Analysis & Encrypted Threat Analytics

Today, knowing who is using your network is table stakes. Knowing what users are consuming on the network is essential for analysis. What applications are being used, when they are used and most importantly are those applications are safe enough and compliant with your organization policies.

Independent testing company Miercom recently carried out comprehensive set of tests to evaluate traffic analysis capabilities of Cisco’s Digital Network Architecture & Huawei’s Agile Solution along with few other test areas.

Tuesday 24 October 2017

Secure, High Availability for Epic EHR Systems with Cisco ACI and Tetration

Since its initial release, Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) has been selected and deployed by many healthcare institutions around the globe.  ACI is the foundation for achieving these customer’s next generation application requirements for their complex environments and applications.

Monday 23 October 2017

Architecting a More Secure Future

The new age of innovation is providing a level of convenience and technological advancements that were once unfathomable. But with every breakthrough comes challenges, and more precisely these days, security challenges. We, in the security industry, are constantly faced with new threats emerging from vectors that didn’t even exist yesterday.