Showing posts with label CCP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CCP. Show all posts

Sunday 4 February 2018

Cisco Container Platform – Kubernetes for the Enterprise

Developed by Google to shepherd their in-house container clusters, Kubernetes has been vying for the attention and adoption of cloud architects. For the past several years, Docker Swarm, Mesos and Kubernetes have engaged in the duel to bring orchestration nirvana to containerized applications. While there are other participants in the fray and while Mesos has had a longer showing, Kubernetes seems to be capturing the pole position according to this research. This assertion is reinforced by the recent addition of support for Kubernetes to Apache Mesos, to Pivotal Container Service and to Cloud Foundry. The most recent admission of market realities is Docker’s seamless integration of Kubernetes into their Enterprise Edition offering. Whichever container orchestrator eventually arises as the de facto standard, it is clear that enterprises are looking for more and more infrastructure abstraction so they can laser focus on core business objectives.