Wednesday 11 March 2020

How 5G is transforming the Wireless WAN

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Remember when, not long ago, cellular wireless technology was primarily used for backup connectivity? With the introduction of 4G and SD-WAN, enterprises were able to augment their primary WAN connection with wireless using an active/active configuration. Faster 4G speeds meant that wireless could be considered as primary connectivity alongside Internet and MPLS modes of transport. In addition, 4G could also help bring up locations in remote places where MPLS or alternative connectivity was nonexistent.

Over the last ten years, we’ve seen the evolution of 4G. First LTE, then LTE Advanced, and LTE Advanced Pro. And now brings the promise of 5G. There is an element of hype and ambiguity about what is true 5G and what is needed to support the evolution. Also, there is different branding like 5G TF and now 5G E, 5G Ultra Wideband, etc. and various radio wave spectrums like low-band, mid-band, and millimeter to learn about. Who wouldn’t be confused?

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The higher throughput and lower latency of 5G brings a lot of promise for increased workforce productivity and a better user experience. Enterprises will now be able to support more users, in more locations using cellular to offer wireless connectivity with wider reach.  The ability to support new applications and connect more devices will make it easier to migrate to a wireless WAN with guaranteed QoE. This progression often brings confusion and a common misconception that there will need to be drastic infrastructure change in order to support the new wireless technology. Cisco is working to make the transition to 5G easy by building technology and hardware that allows for a seamless upgrade.

Cisco SD-WAN and 5G

Another common misconception is that with 5G enterprises won’t have a need for SD-WAN. In reality, as more and more businesses rely on wireless technology to support their WANs, SD-WAN has become essential in encouraging this type of modern WAN. Cisco SD-WAN allows you to optimize the user experience by using all available paths, like wireless or internet, giving users the fastest access to cloud applications without compromising security. SD-WAN also makes it easier to enforce policy across all available paths and locations like the branch, campus, and cloud. The result is a superior application experience and secure connectivity for employees and guests.

Leading the way in wireless WAN innovation

Cisco’s gigabit class, wireless WAN solutions offer next generation LTE Advanced PRO (CAT18) with new bands capability and the ability to easily utilize 4G as both primary or backup connectivity. In addition to the industry’s first SD-WAN LTE pluggable module, Cisco’s cellular gateway innovations provide secure connectivity, additional WAN coverage, and increased deployment flexibility. With Cisco SD-WAN, both enterprises and managed service providers can enable simplified cellular deployment and management.

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The new provides next generation LTE Advanced PRO bandwidth for a wireless WAN on ISR 1120’s and 1160’s (part of the ISR 1000 Series). Features include 1.2 Gbps download speeds, dual micro SIM, backward compatibility for CAT 4/CAT 6/etc. and diversity antennas for additional reception or remote antennas. The best part? The ISR 1120’s and 1160’s make it easy to upgrade cellular technology with just a module replacement versus an entire router.

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Also new to Cisco’s wireless WAN lineup is the CAT4 LTE USB dongle supported on select ISR 1000 platforms, featuring single micro-SIM and max throughput of 75/50 mbps. This gives an additional option to provide cellular failover to existing small branch networks.

Keep a lookout for additional Cisco wireless WAN innovations coming soon that will support additional platforms and use cases to fit your or your customer’s needs. The current and upcoming technologies all share the common benefit of an easy upgrade path to 5G, allowing you to use your existing software and hardware platform. We know that cellular technology continues to evolve, so we are providing easier and cheaper options to upgrade versus requiring all new equipment. You’ll know you have investment protection and flexibility to choose whatever category of wireless connectivity your business needs without the need for a full infrastructure change.

Seamless transition to 5G

Our goal is to help make the transition to 5G as seamless as possible with innovative technology and trusted hardware. That is why Cisco is proud to partner with the world’s leading service providers to ensure our customers benefit from an optimal user experience whether it be using Wi-Fi 6 or cellular. We look forward to all the benefits 5G promises and to supporting wireless WANs across the globe.

Tuesday 10 March 2020

How Cisco manages corporate social responsibility

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Cisco pioneered the technology that connects everything. We believe that connections have the potential to create opportunity for everyone and to solve some of the world’s most pressing challenges. Leveraging our expertise, technology, and a strong network of partners, we’re focused on building bridges to a more inclusive future.

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is core to our purpose, our culture, and how we invest. We focus on People, Society, and Planet—issues that align with our business strategy and where we can have the greatest potential for impact. Our success is built on a Conscious Culture, where trustworthiness and ethical conduct are expected and supported among our employees, suppliers, and business partners.

How we manage CSR

Corporate Affairs, as part of the Human Resources organization, champions Cisco’s strategic approach to CSR, including social investment programs and environmental sustainability. The organization also stewards our commitments to CSR performance and transparency. The Corporate Affairs team is responsible for:

◉ Defining and managing our social investment strategy and programs

◉ Driving CSR governance processes

◉ Collaborating with a broad range of stakeholders

◉ Conducting socio-economic research and developing data driven insights

◉ Assessing and monitoring CSR priority issues

◉ Producing our annual CSR Report

◉ Coordinating and ensuring cross-functional ESG alignment

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Business functions own CSR priorities. Teams integrate priorities into their business strategy by setting goals, implementing plans, and measuring performance. Some priorities touch multiple functions. In these cases, we establish cross-functional teams to align CSR business process and implement against our commitments. In some cases, CSR goals and objectives may be linked to performance factors and compensation for CSR owners. For example, Supplier Code of Conduct performance may be considered when assessing the performance of key supply chain leaders.

We believe that risk is inherent in innovation and the pursuit of long-term growth opportunities. Cisco’s management is responsible for day-to-day risk management activities. The Board of Directors, acting directly and through its committees, is responsible for the oversight of risk management.

Cisco’s management has implemented an enterprise risk management (ERM) program, managed by Cisco’s internal audit function, that is designed to work across the business to identify, assess, govern, and manage risks and Cisco’s response to those risks. Cisco’s internal audit function performs an annual risk assessment that is utilized by the ERM program.

The Audit Committee, which oversees our financial and risk management policies, including data protection (comprising both privacy and security), receives regular reports on ERM from the chair of the ERM operating committee, as well as regular reports on cybersecurity from Cisco’s Chief Security and Trust Officer. Other Board committees oversee certain categories of risk associated with their respective areas of responsibility.

The Nomination and Governance Committee of the Board reviews Cisco’s policies and programs concerning corporate social responsibility, including environmental, social, and governance matters. CSR and environmental sustainability are represented through Tae Yoo, Senior Vice President of Corporate Affairs, and Francine Katsoudas, Executive Vice President and Chief People Officer.

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Engaging with stakeholders

Building bridges of understanding with key stakeholders helps us maximize impact and informs our materiality process. Through regular dialogue, we can better align our business to social and environmental needs.

We partner with a wide range of global and local organizations to shape and extend the reach of our CSR programs, including governments, nonprofits, multilateral organizations, and peers. We have been a strategic partner of the World Economic Forum (WEF) since 2002. Our engagement with the WEF provides us with world leader insights, influences our CSR strategy, and enables us to learn from others and share best practices. Other partnerships and memberships include: Business for Social Responsibility (BSR); the Conference Board’s Sustainability Council II on Innovation and Growth; the CEF (formerly the Corporate Eco Forum); and the Responsible Business Alliance (formerly the EICC or Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition).

In addition to the formal materiality assessment, Cisco’s environment team independently gathers feedback on emerging issues, the quality of our reporting, and our sustainability performance from sources including stakeholder inquiries and key rankings and ratings. “Stakeholder inquiries” is the umbrella term we use for questions we receive from a variety of sources, including:

◉ Customers and partners. The visibility of environmental sustainability continues to increase in customer and partner requests for proposal (RFP), supplier qualification, and contract processes.

◉ Employees

◉ Financial and industry analysts

◉ Shareholders and investors

◉ Sustainability data aggregators, which includes companies like Ecovadis that collect sustainability information for our customers and partners. It also includes a range of organizations that collect and package sustainability information for resale or for their own analysis.

◉ Environmental advocacy groups

◉ Academia, including researchers and students

◉ Media

Environment-related topics form the vast majority of stakeholder inquiries that Cisco receives. These inquiries provide continuous, real-time insight into the environmental issues of interest to different categories of stakeholders. In FY19, we continued to see increasing customer and investor interest in environmental sustainability, as reflected in customer requests for proposals, customer and environmental advocacy surveys, and other inquiries.

Sunday 8 March 2020

How to Speed Up Root Cause Analysis with Rookout

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It’s been truly amazing to watch the software development industry grow and evolve over the past 20 years. We’ve gone from building tightly coupled now considered monolithic applications in the standard client-server approach to complex, highly-distributed microservice-based systems which can autoscale up or down on demand. Cloud computing has commoditized compute infrastructure, making it possible for anyone to build applications that can easily scale as demand grows, as well as compete with applications developed by the best companies in the business. It’s definitely an exciting time to be a software developer as the ecosystem continues to grow and the possibilities for the future are endless.

With all of this ever-changing complexity, being able to properly observe and understand what’s happening within your applications as they’re running in their native environments is more important than ever. Due to the complex and highly distributed nature of applications today, there are many places where things can and do go wrong. Many organizations are creating focused teams within the realm of observability in order to put in place best of breed tools, processes, and cultural changes in order to build highly observable software systems.

Observing Running Code

When we stop and take a look at the process of how developers observe what’s happening within the code they’ve written while their applications are running, it really hasn’t changed much over the past 20 years. Sure, there are all sorts of application performance monitoring, tracing, and event management tools, but the way that developers typically inspect the internal state of their running code still relies on writing log lines.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could easily inspect the state of your running applications including objects, variable values, or any other component within your code while it’s running without having to write more log lines and redeploy your application? That’s exactly one of the challenges Rookout looks to solve. Rookout is a debugging and data-collection solution that allows developers to quickly debug and get data from running applications in any environment (including production) without stopping the application and without impacting its performance.

Why Does it Have to Be That Way?

The founders of Rookout asked themselves a simple question, “Why does it have to be so difficult to debug running applications and to get the data needed to properly get to the bottom of issues?” In many large enterprises, the process for introducing new code changes, even simply adding log lines, can be a lengthy process. A typical enterprise process for development teams may look something like this:

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Imagine you find a defect in your codebase and find yourself needing to add more log lines in order to understand what’s happening while your application is running in staging or production environments. Typically you would write more logs, test your code, submit a PR, execute CI/CD processes, and wait for your code to be deployed.

With Rookout running as part of your codebase, you gain the ability to bypass the slowness of the above scenario by directly setting “Non-Breaking Breakpoints” (Rookout doesn’t stop your application) at any place within your code and collecting real-time snapshots of data from within your application regardless of where it’s running. No need to change your code or redeploy your application. Rookout runs as an SDK (or agent in the case of Java) alongside your application and currently supports any JVM based language, Python, Node.js, and .NET. Details for getting started with various languages can be found in the Rookout documentation.

Rookout runs as a SaaS-based application with deployment options available for keeping data on-prem based on your needs. Data collected from Rookout can also be sent to any external logging or monitoring system, or any system that has an API exposed. Here is a sample architecture diagram showing how Rookout works and communicates with various components in your environment.

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Rookout aims to help development teams increase the velocity at which they can develop applications by making the debugging process simpler and more efficient. Many organizations now monitor and track the meantime to resolution of defects. With Rookout giving access to data directly within your running application on demand, organizations are able to more quickly understand the root cause of issues.

In addition, it’s a handy tool for developers just starting to get familiar with a new codebase. By collecting snapshot data from Non-Breaking Breakpoints, Rookout will show variable values from your application directly within code. This makes the process of understanding a good code base much more simple for new or veteran developers alike.

Saturday 7 March 2020

Cisco Brings the Power of the Cloud and AI to Contact Centers with Release 12.5

“I need the business agility, flexibility, and speed of new feature delivery that cloud offers while protecting my contact center investments.”

“I need to modernize my customer and agent experiences to remain competitive.”

“I need easy access to cloud-based applications that work seamlessly with my on-premises contact center infrastructure”

Do These Challenges Sound Familiar?

You’re not alone! Many of our customers across the globe and from many industries have shared with us their struggle to balance the need for innovation with cloud-based capabilities powered by artificial intelligence (AI) to stay competitive while maximizing their valuable on-premises contact center investments in people, process, and technology.

They’ve expressed their desire for an open and secure platform that gives them reliability and business continuity, with new flexibility and agility needed to meet the ever-changing demands of their business. And they’re looking for unique ways to create differentiated experiences for both their employees and customers that will result in better customer experiences, repeat business, and improved performance of their contact center.

Cisco is addressing these needs with Release 12.5 – our latest software for Unified Contact Center Enterprise, Packaged Contact Center Enterprise, Unified Contact Center Express, and Hosted Collaboration Solution for Contact Center.  We’re introducing some exciting new capabilities designed to simplify how you manage your contact center, make your agents more productive, and create better experiences for your customers.

Highlights of What’s New

◉ Webex Experience Management (formerly CloudCherry), our new customer experience management solution, is integrated into the Cisco agent desktop providing agents and supervisors with customer sentiment, journey insights, and feedback metrics in real-time.

◉ An intuitive conversational IVR, powered by Google Dialogflow improves customer self-service experiences over the phone by easily adding modern speech interfaces to existing self-service options.

◉ Customer Journey Analyzer, our cloud-based advanced analytics reporting solution is now available for trial to all our on-premises contact center customers.

◉ AI-based Voicea call transcript and summary are also available for trials to improve agent productivity, call wrap-up and accuracy of action items.

◉ Smart Licensing provides a simple, automated way to add/activate new software licenses to keep up with fluctuating interaction volumes.

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Integration with Webex Experience Management (formerly CloudCherry)

Our new AI-powered, cloud-based customer experience solution can be integrated with your contact center via two new agent desktop gadgets. The solution enables contact centers to capture customer feedback utilizing an easy-to-use survey designer.  Once feedback is captured, agents have the ability to view customer feedback scores within their agent desktop via the new Customer Experience Journey gadget, giving them real-time visibility into customer sentiment and past journey experiences so they can truly understand how the customer is feeling and be able to personalize their interaction with the customer. The Customer Experience Analytics gadget displays the overall pulse of customer feedback through industry-standard metrics, such as NPS, CSAT, and CES.

Innovative AI-Powered Self-Service

Our Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal leverages Google Dialogflow, allowing AI to bring speech-to-text, NLU-based intent detection, and text-to-speech capabilities to create an efficient conversational self-service experience for your customers while relieving agents of simple and repetitive tasks.

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Business Insights via Cloud Analytics

Bringing the power of cloud analytics to all Cisco on-premises contact centers, Customer Journey Analyzer provides advanced out-of-the-box reporting, arming contact center managers with historical data from multiple contact center deployments to generate specific business views across the business.  It displays trends to help supervisors identify patterns and gain insights for making continuous improvements, and it includes an Abandoned Contacts dashboard to identify where customers are abandoning the journey so that appropriate and proactive actions can be taken. Available for trial now.

Voicea Call Transcript

We’ve created a new Cisco agent desktop gadget that uses our very own Voicea AI, leveraging accurate speech-to-text technology to provide a complete transcription of the interaction between agent and customer. This exciting new feature, which is available now for field trial with Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise, simplifies call wrap-up and helps agents accurately capture the details of the conversation, improving call continuity and agent productivity. 

Licensing Made Simple

Smart Licensing enables contact centers to remain agile and quickly add/activate new software licenses to keep up with fluctuating interaction volumes.  Using the Cisco Smart Software Management Portal, our customers can easily see in real-time how many total licenses they have and how many are in use, giving them peace of mind and an accurate measure of their license inventory.

Improved Agent Experience

We’re making your agents more productive and their experience more intuitive with new keyboard shortcuts, drag and drop desktop gadgets, and the ability to update call variables during interactions. Agents can also view their statistics in real-time now.

Secure and Scalable 

Our new release also includes a variety of security-related enhancements that further harden the solution against potential vulnerabilities.  At the same time, we continue stretching scale limits by doubling outbound calls per second and total supported dialer ports, and 2.5 times increase in simultaneous active campaigns.

All Our Customers Benefit

I’m excited about how the cloud brings all these enhancements to our on-premises customers. Our goal continues to be to bring all our customers the latest technological innovations available today, regardless of whether they own their contact center system or subscribe to it as a service, and to give them a practical and simple path to the cloud at a pace that’s just right for them.

Friday 6 March 2020

Head in the Clouds? A Milestone Towards Comprehensive Headset Management

Everything Started so Promisingly

If you’re an IT decision-maker who has purchased headsets for users, you know it can be an investment with one of the most uncertain returns: you buy them, distribute them, and then begins the challenge of tracking headsets and troubleshooting audio issues. A time-consuming chore that was supposed to be easy!

You met all the major headset vendors, tested their finest acoustic features, then, based on your budget and assumptions on the end-user preferences, you chose a certain mix of headsets for the corporate catalog or a bulk purchase.

Those vendors demonstrated their latest and greatest backend tools that allow you to collect usage data and track headsets. You could figure out the ROI of your headset investment and, most importantly, understand user preferences, so that next time you can make a data-driven decision in purchasing the right mix of devices.

A dream come true until you realize that:

◉ The data collected from the headset is inconsistent and partial:

     ◉ Users must have a client app running on their machine; since the app is considered useless by many, it ends up uninstalled, killed or removed from the startup list.

     ◉ Most of the time, the app works with PCs only, leaving out of the picture an ever-increasing headset usage with mobile devices.

◉ You may be paying for a service with limited scope (headset only) that doesn’t deliver an integrated view with rest of your collaboration platform

◉ You may be paying for a service with limited scope (headset only) that doesn’t deliver an integrated view with rest of your collaboration platform.

You are back to square one with no actionable insights, more overhead, and extra time spent managing a solution that does not meet all your needs. Cisco believes there is a better solution. Cisco believes there is a better solution! We are committed to leveraging the power of the Webex platform to deliver unprecedented headset management capabilities that solve the limitations of other vendors’ solutions.

Workplace Transformation Challenge

Ubiquitous connectivity, powerful mobile devices, and increasing adoption of soft clients foster the emergence of new workflows that are no longer tied to physical desks. More and more of us are becoming mobile-first workers who accomplish their daily tasks from anywhere, using a laptop or smartphone. In these scenarios, the headset is a critical element to enable high quality, crystal clear communication and collaboration in often noisy environments: open offices, coffee shops, train stations, buses, etc.

This modern, mobile work style throws up particular challenges for IT:

How do we make sure we collect the headset data we need in these dynamic scenarios?

How do we easily make relevant information readily available to support teams and business decision makers?

The perfect solution has to satisfy the following criteria:

1. It must work in any user scenario: anywhere, with both laptops, smartphones, and tablets.
2. It needs to collect the headset data automatically – without the complexity of managing headset client applications.
3. It needs to be part of the everyday toolset IT uses already – so that it is easily accessible.

If you are a Cisco on-premises customer, you may know that Cisco Unified Call Manager (CUCM) supports inventory, remote FW upgrade and remote configuration for Cisco Headsets connected to IP phones and Jabber soft clients. An unprecedented integration which satisfies the perfect solution criteria for companies in verticals characterized by more traditional workflows.

A perfect solution for on-premises customers that deserves to be extended to the Cloud!

Cisco Webex: Powerful Headset Management with Low IT Touch

Cisco Webex provides essential meetings, calling, and team collaboration for enterprises of all sizes, worldwide.  Webex Control Hub is Cisco’s single pane of glass management for cloud and hybrid services. We are excited to announce the release of headset inventory management in Control Hub; a capability that, along with remote firmware upgrade through Webex Teams, represents a solid foundation in building the most comprehensive headset management solution in the market.

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IT can buy any Cisco Headsets, 500 and 700 Series (limited tracking abilities on third-party headsets). Once distributed to users and plugged-in or paired to a laptop (Mac or PC) running Webex Teams, the headsets appear in Control Hub in the devices section (along with the rest of the collaboration portfolio) showing relevant inventory information, such as connection status, connection history, firmware version, last user and more. The inventory is dynamically and automatically generated and available now to all Webex customers at no extra charge!

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Meeting Criteria for Successful Headset Management

Earlier, we introduced criteria that define the perfect headset management solution. Let’s see how the headset management in Webex Control Hub performs in that framework:

◉ Aomatic from the end user

It’s enough to collaborate using Webex Teams to generate data. No actions or time spent on the user side.

◉ Works with the tools IT uses daily

Admins already use Control Hub, and these new capabilities extend its overall value.

◉ Works in any user scenario

Cisco will support headset management on a range of devices and modes of collaboration. The team is currently working on enabling inventory and remote firmware upgrade through the rest of the Cloud soft clients: Webex Teams mobile app, Webex Meetings desktop, Webex Meetings mobile.

Path Towards Realizing a Full ROI

Headset management in Control Hub represents an important milestone towards the maximization of the headset returns. Today, IT Admins can track their headsets throughout their lifecycle.

Soon, it won’t matter whether a customer:

◉ Is deployed on-premises only, Cloud only, or hybrid.
◉ Uses IP phones, desk video devices, soft clients or any mix of them.
◉ Supports mobile workers, desk workers or both.

Headset management will work across any possible customer scenarios!

The Cisco Collaboration engineering team is developing additional capabilities, which will allow diagnosing communication issues, configure headsets remotely, unveil usage patterns/preferences and more, hence, unveiling unprecedented insights that finally provide IT decision-makers with the information required to optimize future headset investments.

Thursday 5 March 2020

Unify NetOps and SecOps with SD-WAN Cloud Management

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CIOs know that ubiquitous connectivity across domains—campus, branch, cloud, and edge, wired or wireless—is a baseline requirement for building a digital enterprise. But, as CISOs know, as the network fabric spreads to encompass devices and location-agnostic data and compute resources, the need for end-to-end integrated security is equally paramount. Add in the necessity to continuously monitor and maintain application performance throughout campus and branch and edge locations and you create an enormous workload for NetOps and SecOps teams that are simultaneously dealing with static CapEx and OpEx budgets. Often the result is a tug-of-war between the teams: one striving to keep the network optimized for performance and availability, the other striving to keeping data, applications, and devices secure.

Conflict or Collaboration?

The problem of balancing the goals of NetOps with SecOps has a lot to do with how the network and all the connected devices and domains are being managed. Traditionally in NetOps, there have been separate consoles and Unified Computing Servers (UCS) to configure, monitor and analyze network domains – several for the data center, multiple for the campus wireless network, and still more for cloud, branch, and edge deployments.

Similarly, in order for SecOps to capture, log, and analyze traffic in all the various domains, special taps are installed where traffic is entering and leaving the domains. SecOps has an additional burden of storing all the traffic logs in case of a breach or successful malware attack in order to pinpoint the cause and prove appropriate steps are taken to remediate breaches and prevent future attacks.

That’s a lot of boxes to buy, install, and securely manage—a number that grows with each expansion of the enterprise network. Ironically, the extra compute devices needed by SecOps ultimately have to be managed by NetOps to ensure they do not affect overall network performance. Thus, more conflict.

Can NetOps and SecOps get to the point of collaboration instead of conflict? In fact, new cross-enterprise business initiatives make collaboration a necessity.

Digital Transformation Projects Benefit from Unified Operations and Security

As organizations seek new ways to connect with customers, suppliers, and service partners by making business processes personal and frictionless, they initiate application development efforts that span across operations. A unifying foundation for these development efforts are the NetOps and SecOps teams.

Deploying new multi-cloud applications or moving processes to the edge—retail outlets, branch offices, medical clinics—requires assurance that the network is responsive, always available, and secure. NetOps needs to work with Development teams to understand network SLAs and cloud usage requirements for the new apps. SecOps needs to ensure that the proper network permissions, segmentations, and polices are applied to the network at application launch time. NetSecOps collaboration is key to timely deployment of next-generation applications with security and the required levels of performance.

Collaboration is important too in the battle of the budgets. With IT budgets generally flat over the last few years, making sure NetOps and SecOps teams use both CapEx and OpEx funds judiciously is critical for maximum efficiency. There is an opportunity to combine NetOps and SecOps teams to generate the most value from the available budget, equipment, and knowledge of how an enterprise’s unique network responds to changes in applications and threats.

From these examples, you can see that unifying NetOps and SecOps has solid benefits for enterprise digital transformation efforts. Is there a technology platform that makes unification not only possible, but also makes the transition a natural evolution rather than a forced organizational change? By combining a software-defined network fabric with single-console cloud management, SD-WAN can play a significant role in the unification of NetSecOps.

SD-WAN Unified Network Cloud Management for NetSecOps

A primary benefit of Cisco SD-WAN powered by Viptela for NetSecOps is the ability to provide a single, role-based interface in Cisco vManage to control network performance, segmentation, and security. Through the lens of vManage, NetSecOps can:

◉ Install and configure branch SD-WAN routers remotely with Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP)

◉ Automatically route traffic through the most efficient and cost-effective path (MPLS, broadband, direct internet, LTE/5G) using dynamic path selection.

◉ Manage performance, security, and access policies for cloud onramps to SaaS, IaaS, and colocations.

◉ Remotely configure and manage at the branch level the application-aware firewalls, URL-filtering, intrusion detection/prevention, DNS-layer security, and Advanced Malware Protection (AMP) to secure branch traffic that is using direct internet connections to SaaS applications.

◉ Drawing on policies set up in Cisco SD-Access and Identity Services Engine (ISE), NetSecOps can collaborate to configure segmentation rules that are uniformly applied across distributed locations to keep traffic separated—such as employee wireless access from payment system traffic—improving performance and security.

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These are some of the benefits SD-WAN provides to a unified NetSecOps team. One console—vManage—to configure, monitor, and protect a distributed organization’s branches, remote workforce, and applications. Let’s double-click on two common yet difficult to manage situations—securing east-west branch traffic and accessing direct internet access SaaS/IaaS-hosted applications—to see how SD-WAN helps a unified NetSecOps team operate.

Managing and Protecting East-West Traffic Flow and Security in Branches

With the plethora of integrated security layers that comes with Cisco SD-WAN, traffic entering and leaving a branch is thoroughly inspected for application infiltration, intrusion by malware, and accessing known bad URLs. But there is still the tricky problem of when malware is introduced by a device or someone inside the branch network.

In the days of spoke and hub WANs, traffic from each device within a branch would be backhauled to the enterprise data center for inspection and verification, and then back to the branch. This has always been a troublesome scenario for NetOps as the traffic load for just backhauling and inspecting interfered with traffic that legitimately had to go the data center for additional processing. The alternative, of course, was to lock down all the endpoints in branches, limiting their flexibility and any options to BYOD for employees.

Securing Access to SaaS Applications via Direct Internet Connections

The workforce is quickly becoming more dependent on applications hosted in SaaS cloud platforms, such as Office 365, which require routing through direct internet access. With SD-WAN, NetSecOps can focus on not just fine-tuning application performance but also the defenses that secure the valuable corporate data being transmitted over the internet connections to and from branch sites. By using Cisco SD-WAN Cloud OnRamps to SaaS and IaaS clouds, the network selects the path that is the most effective to handle Azure, AWS, or Google Cloud workloads while the built-in layers of security provide protection with DNS URL filtering, advanced malware protection, and application-aware firewalls. Both application performance and security are managed by NetSecOps via the SD-WAN vManage cloud controller portal.

Fostering Collaboration Among NetOps and SecOps is Key to Network Agility

With Cisco SD-WAN’s ability to manage operations and security via the same cloud portal, it really is achievable to create a NetSecOps team that promotes collaboration, reduces CapEx and OpEx, and maximizes device and application QoE and security. Unifying these two critical functions helps create an agile network that makes digital transformation projects possible while keeping on top of advanced security threats. I’d like to hear your thoughts on the ways SD-WAN can provide better synergy between operations and security.

Tuesday 3 March 2020

An Introduction Into Kubernetes Networking – Part 4

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Rule based routing

The final topic that we’ll cover in this series is rule based routing (HTTP hosts and paths) using the Kubernetes Ingress. An Ingress exposes HTTP and HTTPS routes from outside the cluster to services within the cluster. Traffic routing is controlled by rules defined on the Ingress resource.

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“Ingress can provide load balancing, SSL termination and name-based virtual hosting.”

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There are a number of ways to configure a Kubernetes Ingress and in this example we’ll use a fanout. A fanout configuration routes traffic from a single IP address to more than one service.

From the YAML file above we can see a set of rules defining two http paths, one to a Guestbook and one to a different application called the Sockshop.

Kubernetes Ingress Controller

Just like we learnt Kubernetes Services require an external loadbalancer, a Kubernetes Ingress itself does not provide the rule based routing. Instead it relies on an Ingress Controller to perform this function.

There are many ingress controller options available. In our lab we are using Cisco Container Platform which automatically deploys an Nginx Ingress Controller to each new Kubernetes tenant cluster.

In the following screenshots you’ll see that we have an ingress controller, nginx-ingress-controller-xxxxx, running on each node. We also have a service of type LoadBalancer which will direct our incoming traffic into the Nginx controller.

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Similar to how MetalLB worked for Kubernetes Services, the Nginx controller will look for any changes to the Kubernetes Ingress. When a new ingress is configured the Nginx configuration will be updated with the routing rules which have been configured in the ingress YAML file (see above for example YAML).

Each ingress controller also has options to provide annotations for custom configuration of the specific controller. For example here are the Nginx annotations you can use.

In this lab Nginx has noticed the new ingress defined and has created the routing rules and annotions as part of it’s configuration. We can confirm this by looking at the nginx.conf file on each nginx-ingress-controller-xxxxx pod.

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Since the ingress controller is running in multiple pods we can use the Kubernetes Services outlined above to provide access. In our case we have a LoadBalancer type service configured to direct external traffic to one of the available Nginx controller pods.

From there the Nginx controller will redirect based on the path, either to the guestbook frontend service or the sockshop service. These will in turn forward the traffic onto an available pod managed by the respective service.

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Why should I use an ingress?

Besides the routing rules that we’ve just described, a Kubernetes Ingress allows us to conserve IP addresses. When we use a service of type LoadBalancer we require an externally routable address for each service configured. Assigning these addresses on premises may not have a big impact however usually there is a cost associated to each IP address in a public cloud environment.

When using an ingress we can have a single external IP address assigned (for the ingress service), and each service behind the ingress can use a ClusterIP. In this scenario the services are only accesible through the ingress and therefore don’t require a public IP address.

As we’ve just alluded to the Kubernetes Ingress also provides a single ingress point to which we can define our routing rules and other configuration such as TLS termination.